
420 16 3

Prompt:  The Academy partakes in a night of drinking. 

POV: Cordelia

   Drinking was never something I particularly enjoyed. Nasty alcohol that not only burned on the way down but also burned in my stomach. The gaps in my memory, the words that would escape. The throw up and headache the next day. Sometimes, if taken too far, alcohol poisoning. 

   Why would I go through all of that when I could take some hits of a blunt and get high?

   One issue is that weed is illegal in New Orleans and, since I am technically the headmaster of Miss. Robichaux's Academy, it was too risky. If I was caught buying or doing weed, I would be sent to prison and the girls under my care would be exposed. 

   Needless to say, I never partied much. I was a bit of a light weight with my alcohol and when I was able to smoke, it was typically by myself. 

   The only times I ever really drank was a few times in high school, a couple times alone, and a bit more when the girls invited me out to drink with them. When out with the others, I never drank heavy, but I still managed to have some gaps in memory and a hangover the next day. 

   After a few while though, we started staying home to drink. It's cheaper, safer, and overall nicer to be able to immediately go to sleep in our own home and puke in our own bathrooms. 

   Tonight was one such night. Between the 6 of us, it didn't take long to go through a bottle. I told them I had been having a stressful couple of weeks and that I wanted to unwind tonight and just have fun. Between teaching, being headmaster, spending time with each of the other women, the issues with Hank, the other issues with my mother, I needed tonight.

   "You deserve some time off Ms. Delia." Misty had said, pouring some rum into a glass for mixed drinks.

   "I told you, you don't have to add the 'Ms.' when we aren't in the classrooms."

   "You're right. But still, you need a vacation or something."

   "I'm alright Misty, but thank you for your concern."

   "You say that like we can't see the horrendous bags under your eyes." Madison commented. 

   "Watch it." Misty said with a low tone. 

   "Oh chill out. You couldn't do anything to me anyways." 

   "Wanna bet?" Misty replied, putting the large bottle down with a bit of force.

   "No no, we don't need a fight." I said, getting between the two women. 

   "She's right. At least wait till we're a few shots in!" Queenie replied.

   "No fighting at all tonight!" 

   "Fiiine." Misty said, taking her stance beside me again. 

   *Sometimes it feels like I'm running a daycare.* I thought to myself.

   "Sometimes it feels like I'm in one too." Nan said, winking at me.

   I laughed a little as I got the rest of the drinks out. We had a little bit of everything, all of the women had different tastes. 

   "Should we start with a shot?" Zoe asked, pouring tequila into a shot glass. 

   "Absolutely. We all should!" Madison said, eyeing me. 

   "I don't want a shot right now." I said, a little embarrassed. 

   "Why not? Scared of blacking out so soon?" 

   "If she said she doesn't want a shot, she doesn't have to take a damn shot Madison." Misty said, stepping in front of me a little. 

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