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Prompt: Cordelia and Misty take a trip to the beach with their two kids, Mason and Ella. Cordelia and Misty's friends, Alice and Grace, also bring their daughter, Beth. 

POV: Cordelia

The Sun was setting over the water. I sat on one of the towels we had brought down, soaking in the fleeting moments of light. Misty was playing in the water with our 4 year old son Mason while I held our sleeping 3 month old daughter, Ella. Alice and Grace sat beside me, their 2 year old daughter Beth desperately fighting her own slumber while building a sand castle. 

"He really does look like you." Alice said, smiling at me and Ella. 

It was true. After lots of learning new spells, miscarriages, tears, and questions, we conceived Mason, and Misty carried him. It was before we had left the Coven for a more quiet life to raise our son. When Mason was born, everyone joked that he looked like he fell out of me. He has my big brown eyes, my blonde hair, my long face. Hell, he even has the same lisp as I do. I had never learned to love myself the way I was until I met someone who was me made over. 

And then, as people say, practice makes perfect. Because four years later, I became pregnant with Ella. 

Ella must be payback for how similar Mason looks to me because Ella is Misty's twin, though I'm the only one that truly sees it. She has her wild locks, though Ella's are brown. Her eyes are also a paler blue than Misty's, and her face isn't as sharp, though time will tell if that's genetics or chubby baby cheeks. 

But I see Misty in other ways in our daughter, and in Mason. 

I see hear Misty in Ella's belly laugh when plants bloom. I see her in Mason's curiosity of magic. I feel her in Mason's desire to use his powers to help others, even if it's to make his baby sister laugh when nothing will soothe her crying. 

Others don't see my perfect wife in our perfect children only because they don't know her like I do. And that's okay. 

"Momma!" Mason yelled, running up the beach with Misty not far behind. 


"Look! We got a starfish!" He said proudly, showing it off to everyone. 

"That's awesome bud!" I said a little more quietly, Ella's eyes fluttering. 

"Can we bring it inside?" Beth asked, leaf green eyes filled with wonder. 

"We should leave it out here Bethy, that way it gets the salt water, air, and sun it needs." Alice said, smoothing her daughters black hair down. 

"Okay." She said, a little sad. 

"But, we can watch a movie!" Grace suggested. 

At the squeals of the two children, Ella jumped awake and began crying. 

"Oh no, did the noise scare the baby?" Misty soothed, sitting next to me and rubbing Ella's cheek, instantly calming her down. 

"Mason, why don't you come in with us and get ready for the movie?" Grace asked, looking to me and Misty for approval, which we gave. 

"Do you want us to take Ella too? So you can have some alone time?" Alice asked, already leaning in to take her. 

"Sure." I laughed, handing her over. Ella made a little grunt but soon settled into her arms. 

"Thank you." Misty said, placing a warm hand on my knee.

"No problem." Grace said, leading the two kids up the beach with her wife and Ella close behind.

Minus the waves, it was silent. Life with two children is anything except quiet. I wouldn't trade either of them or any of it for the world, but it is nice to have our time alone. I knew Misty felt the same as her body relaxed a little. 

"The sunset is so pretty." She said, looking out. 

"She thought the sunset was pretty, but I thought she was prettier." I said, making her laugh. 

"Shut up." She teased.

"It's true. You're the most beautiful, caring, warm, funniest woman I've ever met in my whole life." 

"That's crazy, cause you're the most beautiful, caring, and warmest woman I've ever met in my whole life." 

"You forgot funny." 

"No, I didn't forget. Trust me." She winked, making me roll my eyes. 

"Come here." She cooed, pulling me close to her, which I happily accepted. 

The smell of her shampoo mixed with the salty breeze and made the most amazing smell. The smooth, warm skin of her bare arms on mine protected me from the wind, her messy curls blowing back into my straight ponytail. I rested my head on her strong shoulder, then felt her head on top of mine. I intertwined my fingers with hers, resting innocently on my thighs. 

Sweet silence enveloped us. Even the waves had grown a little stiller for us. Our hearts were beating in sync, all four of our heart beats were, as Mason would tell us. I have never known a love like I do now with my own family. I was always told that nothing compares to a mothers love. While I know that to be true for me and my two kids, my mother never extended that love to me. Very few people extended any real love to me. Misty was the first person to love me unconditionally. She loves me just as I am. I've never had to change anything about myself. 

Misty leaned down, cupped my cheek in her free hand and kissed me. In the kiss, she confirmed everything I felt. The love the surrounds us. The magic coursing through us. The heartbeats that live outside of us. That everything we had was enough. 

That I was enough. 

We parted for air, her forehead leaning against mine, blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. 

"I love you Delia."

"I love you too Mist." 

And that was all I ever needed or wanted. 

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