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Prompt: Mary and Lana take a bubble bath together

POV: Lana

   It was a long, hard day. I had to go and talk to a woman about the recent death of her husband who died in a tragic accident. I also had stories stacking up on my desk that I needed to write, send to the editor, then publish. On top of that, I still struggle with PTSD, anxiety, and depression from Briarcliff. Some days, the weight of everything was just too much to bear. I knew I could always rely on my girlfriend Mary, but I did occasionally feel like a burden since she was dealing with her own job as a first grade teacher and recovering from Briarcliff. I go to therapy once a week and so does Mary, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it's doing enough. 

   Most times I didn't feel like I was enough. 

   I opened the front door to the small apartment I shared with Mary. It wasn't much, but it was home. I slipped my shoes off and put my keys down into the bowl on the mahogany wooded table and glanced at myself in the mirror that hung above it. The insane amount of hairspray I used to keep my hair in its place had worn away through the day, and though it didn't look bad, there were some strands that had gotten loose. Powdery make-up covered my acne and the dark circles under my eyes. I quickly ducked down and kept through the little entryway lest I saw something else I hated about myself. 

   I set my black purse down on the dark wooden kitchen table that had a permanent wobble to it. I went walked the two steps into what is barely accepted as a kitchen and poured myself a glass of water, soothing my aching throat from having to talk to other people all day. I finished the glass and turned to lean against the counter. The space was open concept so I could see the entire living room. Our brown couches against the tan carpet always bugged me, the complete lack of taste. But, you get what you can afford. 

   I walked past the laundry room that was hardly big enough to hold a washer and dryer and into our bedroom. Mary was sitting at her desk, reading handwriting that was near illegible. Her hair was down as it usually was, unless she was going to take a bath. She looked up from the papers as she heard me coming in, her bright blue eyes meeting my chocolate brown ones. 

   "Hi honey." She said.

   "Hi babe." I answered, leaning down and kissing her forehead. 

   "How was your day?" 

   "Oh you know, just a day in the life. Had to talk to a woman who was grieving, had a meeting about how I wasn't meeting my story requirement even though I tried explaining that it was because of all the meetings that could simply be emails." I sighed and shrugged.

   "Can't you talk to Eleanor?" 

   "She's only my editor, she can't do very much. And I won't let her write my stories for me, that's above her pay grade and we need the money." 

   Mary nodded and let a breath out through her nose. "Maybe you can bring work home with you? You can go to the library and use their computers." 

   "Yeah maybe. How was your day?" I asked, taking my jacket off and flopping onto the bed. 

   "It was fine. Noah and Elijah got into a fight in music class so I had to keep them separated for the day, but Delilah got a 100 on her spelling quiz!" 

   The way Mary loves her kids is unlike anything I've ever seen. Wendy didn't even love her kids like Mary. She is always very patient with them and their parents, she uses every teaching method she can think of, she makes cards for the kids who are sick. She pours everything she has into them, and it's beautiful to see, especially when the kids finally get the hang of something she's been trying to teach for a while. 

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