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This is a collab. with 

Prompt: Nora Montgomery and Billie Dean get into an argument over how badly Nora has been treating Billie Dean. 

POV: 3rd Person

  Nora was sitting at the kitchen table while reading a book. Billie Dean was making dinner for the two since Nora was still not used to the kitchen. It was a dark and gloomy day out and represented how Nora felt almost all of the time. It did upset Billie Dean but, she was getting used to it. But, today would be different because Nora would take it too far, and Billie Dean would be honest.

Billie was focused on the dinner that she had slowly been working on. Today had been a hard day at work, the whole thing had taken most of her energy. She thought that maybe coming home to her favorite person was going to make her feel better. But no, it hadn't been like that. First of all, Nora had received her in such a mood that it killed her mood the moment she got in. Then, when she had tried to lay down with her, Nora had just moved to "give her space to sit." Billie didn't know for sure what was going on, but at this point, she wasn't having it anymore. "Dinner is almost ready." She called out to Nora, looking at her for a moment, then back to the stove. She sighed and moved to one of the cabinets to get the plates.

"What are we having?" Nora asked, hearing the sigh but not looking up from her book.

"Chicken with pasta and some veggies." She said as she turned around, noticing that Nora hadn't even looked at her. She chuckled darkly and shook her head, putting the plates down to start serving.

"Seriously?" Nora finally said, looking up.

Billie looked up at Nora and furrowed her brows. "Is there a" She tried not to sound too harsh but she was already too tired to add more to her plate.

"First of all, drop the attitude. Second of all, it's vegetables. You're not 5 years old. Third of all, we had that last week. I'm tired of it. I want something else to eat." Nora said, leaning back in the chair and closing her book.

Billie's mouth fell open, and her blood began to boil. She dropped one of the plates on the counter top probably too hard, but she wasn't having it. 

"Are you serious right now? Where the hell did that come from? I just..." she took a deep breath. "Seriously, what the hell?"

Nora crossed her arms and raised her brows. Her deep blue eyes were set on the woman in front of her. Her chest began to hurt and she felt her face getting warm despite the lack of blood. 

"It was a joke dear. Learn to take one. And don't throw the plates like a toddler." Nora added, taking one of them and setting it near her.

Billie laughed darkly, licking her lips as she sighed. 

"You know this point, I don't know when you're joking or not, cause you're acting like a bitch." She looked up directly at Nora, surprising herself with her words but not even caring. It was not the first time Nora had said something like that and Billie was tired of it.

"Excuse me?" Nora said, standing up and losing her appetite. She was a little hurt but madder. She never had a filter, so her words flew out of her mouth. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?" She snapped, slapping her hand on the table.

"I do. My supposed girlfriend. That's who I'm talking to. Am I wrong?" Billie said, a little angrier and looking straight into Nora's eyes. Part of her regretted this because she knew this was not going to end well, but there was no turning back now.

"Supposedly? I am your girlfriend! I'm also the lady of the house and you will respect me as such! You must be on your period or something." Nora said, leveling Billie Dean and pursing her lips. She wanted to intimidate the woman into respecting her like what had happened to her.

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