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Prompt: Sarah and Lily are neighbors on a plot of farm land. The two families work together and the two have known each other for their entire lives. One day, the women take a ride on a 4-wheeler to their hide-out, and things get stormy. 

POV: Lily 

I walked into the small house and plopped by backpack down in the chair, then went to the fridge and got a drink of water. You would think that after living here my entire life I would get used to the long walk down the gravel road that connected to the long walk down the driveway to finally get to the house. 

But I was not used to it. 

I heard footsteps upstairs so I knew at least someone had to be home. I was not very concerned about murderers because, at this point, whatever. 

"Hey!" I called out. 

"Shut up!" My brother Jason yelled. 

"Cool." I mumbled, moving back into the kitchen. 

The sky was getting dark with the promise of rain, and that made me feel better. I love rain storms mixed with a little thunder. I continued sipping on my water when I heard a light knock on the door. 

I went to the door and opened it, coming face to face with my best friend, Sarah. We have known each other since I was born, her being only a few years older than me. I have never known a life without her. And I would never want to know a life without her. Her big brown eyes, her soft brown hair, her gentle touch. Everything about her made me melt. Michael and Jason used to tease me, saying I had a huge crush on Sarah. Of course I would get mad and deny it, but deep down, I knew it was true. I did have feelings for Sarah. 

"Hi!" I finally said, opening the door a little more.

"Hey Lils! What are you doing?" Sarah asked, her sweet voice filtering through the air. 

"Oh nothing. Just got home from school." I said, nodding to my backpack that still sat in the chair. 

"Cool. Wanna come hang out?" She raised her eyebrows and smirked, and I knew what she meant. 

She wanted to go to our little fort we made in the woods. 

I nodded and called up to Jason, telling him that I was going with Sarah. 

"Don't come back!" He yelled. 

"He loves me, I swear." I told Sarah, and she laughed. Having two brothers was not always ideal. Sarah and her sisters, Rachel and Liz, were always so loving with one another. Sure they had their fights, but every night Sarah would go into Rachel and Liz's bedroom and tell them goodnight and that she loved them. They always said it back. I do not remember the last time either of my brothers told me that they loved me, or that I said that I loved them. I know that if I said it, I would just be made fun of though. There was a mutual understanding that we loved and tolerated each other, and that was good enough for them. But I did always long for that type of close sibling relationship. 

Sarah and I walked outside into the crisp autumn air, the clouds were darker than before. Sarah's green and black 4-wheeler sat in the front yard, the engine purring, ready to start racing again. We hoped onto it, and I wrapped my arms around Sarah. Our parents told us to use helmets and to never go out of the second gear, but we never listened. Throwing caution to the wind was kind of a teenagers thing. 

"How was your day?" I asked as Sarah moved the gear from neutral. 

"Boring. School is boring. But I'm glad I'm home and able to spend time with you." She turned and smiled at me, and I smiled back. When she turned, I rested my chin on her shoulder, despite the hair that was inevitably going to be in my face. 

She pushed the gas with her thumb and began steering into the small section of woods, quickly picking up speed and the cold wind hitting my face with fierce. We got onto the small path that has been made after years of travel with the 4-wheeler, and colors of red, yellow, orange, and green swept past me. The smell of the trees mixed with dirt comforted me, and as I looked up at the sky for a brief second, the gray tinted clouds seemed to admire us as well. 

Soon we stopped at the large fortress that Sarah and I claimed as our own as we all became "too old" for tree houses. We came here when we just wanted to be alone or for when things were too crazy in our own lives. The gray exterior blended well with the sky hanging overhead and we quickly climbed the little ladder into the home. There were bean bags and blankets, some sleeping bags, shelves with books and battery powered DVD Players, food and drinks, and a couple windows in each wall with the white blinds closed. 

Sarah went to one of the bean bags and flopped down in it, pulling the blanket around herself and smiling. Just as I shut the door, the rain started. 

"Lucky we weren't caught in it, huh?" Sarah asked as I pulled up a bean bag and blanket next to her. 

"Yeah." And with that, there was a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder. 

"Sounds like me after a few burritos." 

I laughed in response, Sarah knew I was afraid of storms and I had already begun to bounce my leg. 

She wrapped her arm around me with the blanket still attached and pulled me close. "Don't worry Rabe. I'll take care of you." She whispered, smiling. 

"Thanks Paulson, and you as well." 

The warmth of her body and from her lips was enough to make me long for her. But I knew I could not. There was no way she could like me. She had confessed to me a few weeks ago that she was a lesbian, but that did not mean she had feelings for me. And even if she did, would it last? 

"You want a book to take your mind off things?" She asked, already getting up. 

"No, I want you to hold me close and kiss me." I thought. But Sarah's eyes started to widen. That is when realization hit me. 

I had actually said that out loud. 

"L-Lily, I-" She started, but I was already up and running to the door, trying to hide my tears. 

"I can-I'll just walk home." I mumbled, knowing I had really messed up this time. 

"Lily wait!" She called, but there was no stopping for me. I was already out in the storm, rain pelting my skin and thunder growing louder all around me. My mind and heart were racing as I went over what just happened in my mind. I said it. Out loud. As in, Sarah now knew that I wanted to kiss her. That I liked her. What have I done? 

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my wrist, and when I turned, it was Sarah. 

"I'm sorry." I whimpered, tears mixing with the rain on my face. 

But then, she pulled me in close and gently put her lips onto mine. I was taken by surprise, but my hands knew what to do. I cupped her cheek gently as we continued to kiss. The storm around us got a little louder, as if it was cheering us on from its place far into the atmosphere. It was beautiful. It was gentle. It was everything I had hoped for. 

We pulled back slightly for air, and she smiled at me. "Lily, I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember. Not only are you my best friend, but you're the person that I-that I want to be with. You're perfect to me." 

I bit my lip and smiled, trying to come up with the right words to convey my gratitude as well. "You as well Sarah, I-I really like you." I finally stuttered. 

We both smiled and connected our lips again, fingers intertwining at our waists. When we broke, we began running back to the little tree house, hand in hand, to resume our kissing. 

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