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Prompt: (Unpossessed) Mary Eunice has been working closely with other doctors to improve her therapeutic skills. Sister Jude decides that Mary is ready to take on the case of Lana Winters. 

POV: Lana 

A guard walked down the hallway with me, taking me to the room where conversion "therapy" was administered. It's not therapy, it's torture. Dr. Thredson sticks a needle in my arm, then pumps a fluid into me that makes me vomit while showing me pictures of my former lover, Wendy. The fluid that runs through my veins no doubt injures my stomach and other vital organs. All this because I loved who I wanted to love. Because they have interpreted the Bible wrong, homosexuality is not a sin. 

But they were too stubborn and evil to try to comprehend that. 

The only person who even acted like they listened to me in the asylum is Sister Mary Eunice. She helps make rounds in the hospital and will help in the common room with everyone. However, I've heard from patients that she may be stepping up a bit in her role at the asylum with working in therapy. I don't know how true that is, but I hope it works out for her so that she has a chance of getting out. 

Once we got to my door, the guard looked me over, then opened it. I blinked at the harsh light coming into the room, not being used to it. Usually Dr. Thredson had the blinds pulled down so that the room could be dark enough to light up his slideshow. Today though, the blinds were up. I could clearly see the desk and a chair with a cushion in it, both facing each other. For a large room, it seemed unwise to have this little amount of furniture in it. 

Then I noticed a figure moving about the room. It wasn't Dr. Thredson, that was for sure. The figure, a woman, was wearing a habit, and the long black dress with a wide white collar, black stockings, and black shoes. When she turned around, I was surprised to see the face of Sister Mary Eunice. 

Before I could even register a thought, the guard pushed me into the room, sat me down in the chair, then strapped me in. It was standard since I no longer had a use for my hands in this therapy session. 

"Thank you Davis." Sister Mary said, her calm voice carrying through the room. 

The guard nodded, then stepped out of the room, closing the door, probably going for a cigarette break. Sister Mary waited a couple minutes, then came over and got on her knees in front of me. Blood rushed to my face and my vagina, not knowing what she was doing. She dipped her head down and I bit my lip, a little nervous. But then I felt her hands working at the straps on my wrists and ankles. Shock took over again. When she undid my restraints, she got back up and smiled at me. 

"I don't believe you need such restraints. You're not a villain, Ms. Winters." Sister Mary said, moving back to the desk that had a file and some papers on it. 

"Th-Thank you." I stuttered, feeling ashamed for how I reacted. 

"Well, lets clear the elephant in the room, shall we?" She asked, her smile never wavering. Sister Mary's smile is one of the many things I like about her. She always seems to be smiling, trying to bring some light into this dark place. Her bright, ocean blue eyes always looked smart and caring, especially when she asked a patient how they were feeling. Her pale skin shimmered when they sun hit her face or her hands, making her seem even brighter. I've never seen her blonde hair, except for the bangs in the front that she's allowed to show. All of those reasons together, and many more, are the reasons that Mary Eunice has become an interest to me, reawakening my heart. 

Of course I knew to always be careful. I mean, Wendy and I had plans to be together forever, and now look at us. But I have to have some hope here in this place, and Sister Mary is my hope. She has let it slip every now and then that she also believes sexuality and sexual orientation that differ from cis-gender or heterosexual are not a sin. But, I still have my reasoning. She's a nun under the direction of Sister Jude, so I have to be careful, and she does too. 

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