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Prompt: Mary and Lana take a walk on a snowy day.

POV: 3rd Person

  Mary sat on the black couch overlooking the expansive forest that was covered with snow, protected by the large panels of glass. It had been a couple of years since she escaped the Briarcliff manor with her girlfriend, Lana Winters. The two got jobs in Boston and saved up for this beautiful home that they owned together, with their black cat named Binx and their corgi named Buddy. The 4 lived in this home and made it their own. Mary's favorite part was the windows, especially in the current season, looking out at the landscapes in front of her.

  Lana had just come back from work; a long and tiring day. Even if she was now doing what she had wanted all along, she was working at the Time Magazine, the day has become heavier, more when she was writing her own book and she was soon to finish it. But somehow today she didn't want to work on it, she was too tired and lazy to do another 100 pages, she still had time to finish it after all. She left her coat and her purse on the chair near the door and sighed softly, stretching a little. Everything seemed quiet, which was weird since Mary was very energetic but maybe today wasn't one of those days.

  She walked to the living room and noticed her favorite girl staring outside the windows. It was so pretty today because it was snowing. The weather she knew Mary loved. She walked slowly to the couch and smiled softly as she leaned down to kiss her head. "I'm home, baby." She whispered softly.

  Mary lit up at the sound of her partners voice. She looked up just as the plump lips met her forehead, and Mary smiled. Lana was her everything, she was Mary's comfort and care. She needed Lana like she needed air.

  "Hi princess." Mary replied, moving over on the couch so that Lana could have room and part of the blanket.

  Lana smiled softly as she took off her shoes to sit down beside Mary, wrapping the blanket around her and wrapping her arm around her too, kissing her cheek softly. "How's my girl doing?" She asked softly as she looked out the window too.

  Mary was a bit taller than Lana, so the two fit with each other like two puzzle pieces. Binx came in and meowed at the two while Buddy ran in and jumped on the couch, going straight to Lana. "I'm doing okay, been watching the snow for a while. How was your day? How's the book?" Mary asked, resting her head on top of Lana's.

  She chuckled softly as she felt both of their boys jumping on them. She looked down at Buddy and scratched behind his ear as she smiled. "It was a tiring day. And it's going well. I decided not to work on it tonight." She looked up at Mary and smiled. I just want a free afternoon and night." She said softly.

  "Mmm, you deserve time off. You've been working so hard, I worried about your eyesight and your headaches. You've been drinking the water and eating the snacks I send, yes? To keep you healthy?"

  She chuckled softly as she looked at her. She was protective and she loved that about her. "I did, angel. I also bought something a little bit stronger because I was hungry." She confessed laughing softly. "But I'm okay. I just want this afternoon with my love." She leaned in to kiss her cheek.

  "What was stronger than my apples with peanut butter and string cheese? Am I not good enough for you anymore?!" I asked, but winked and leaned in so Lana could kiss my cheek. I began rubbing her shoulders a little, knowing that she slouched at the desk and it was not healthy for her back and shoulders.

  She rolled my eyes as I sighed softly. "A delicious sandwich." She raised her brows as she chuckled softly. "I was just a little more hungry, but your amazing snacks are always so perfect. But not like you." Lana smiled as she kissed her lips softly.

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