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Prompt: It's Christmas time in the Murder House and Billie Dean and Nora spend it together!

POV: Billie Dean

   Christmas time was never really my favorite. It wasn't that I hated it or anything, I just preferred other holidays. Especially since Christmas is so family oriented. I didn't like my family. They were racist, sexist, homophobic, conservative pieces of shit that live in the middle of nowhere, Alabama. I got away and never looked back. A couple years ago, they somehow found my cellphone number and did call me. I tried to talk to them about my job, my life in general, but they hung up on me and I haven't heard from them since. As I've gotten older, it has affected me less and less, honestly. 

   Now, I have my own little family to take care of. 

   Nora and I technically haven't gotten married of course. But I did propose to her 4 years ago. I knew she was the woman I wanted to spend forever with. We've been through a lot together. Nora slowly opened herself up to me and has allowed me to learn about every aspect of her. We've shared our trauma's, our goals, our fears, what we love, what we hope to do. I've learned so much from Nora and I know she's learned a lot from me. We even get to "parent" Nicholas for a couple of days out of the week. Sometimes we're in charge of Michael, but not very often, which is fine with us.

   With Nora, life felt whole again. It wasn't perfect by any means. Nora is still stubborn as hell, Nicholas still cries, Michael is still a little bitch, we still have our arguments, we still have our times. But, Nora and I still choose each other, every day. We still go to bed together, still kiss each other, still make each other laugh. 

   And that, to me, is love. 

   I thought about all of this as I woke up. I was a bit cold, my naked body only being covered by a couple sheets. I rolled my head to the side a little and saw Nora's pale back, freckles dotting the canvas of her. I'd gotten pretty good at ignoring the gaping wound in the back of her head, which she appreciated. I rolled my head to the other side to grab my phone. It was 10 a.m. and the date was December 24th. Christmas Eve. 

   I smiled a little because now, Christmas wasn't associated with horrible memories of alcohol, cigarettes, fighting, crying, and being sent outside to "play in the snow" at 3 in the morning. No, now Christmas was associated with hugs, kisses under the mistletoe, silly gifts, time with the people I loved, watching the boys open his gifts from us. 

   The cigarettes were a constant, though. 

   "Baaaaby." I cooed as I set my phone down and rolled over to face Nora's back. 

   No response.



   "I know you're not dead." 

   Nora lifted her middle finger in response.

   "It's time to wake uuuuppppp." I said as I lightly dragged my nails up and down her spine. 

   She shivered and grunted.

   "C'mon love, I know you're tired from last night but it's time to get up."


   I scoot closer to her, bringing her into my arms. I placed small kisses on her neck and shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and lightly ran my fingers along her midriff. 

   "Don't make me use force to get you up."

   "What kind of force?" 

   "I'll smack you in the head with a pillow." 

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