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Prompt: Cordelia decides to join the other witches in a night of drinking. 

POV: Cordelia 

   I was never good at social gatherings. Even in a group of my closest friends, I always felt a little awkward. What if my breath stank? What if I hadn't put on enough deodorant? What if I made a fool of myself? This last one became most prominent when alcohol was involved. I wouldn't call myself a light weight, I could handle my alcohol. I was just afraid that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from talking and I would say something embarrassing. 

   But tonight was supposed to be about fun. Forget about school, forget about studying, forget about the world. Just me, Zoe, Queenie, Nan, Madison, Kyle, and Misty. 


   Honestly, she was the one I was worried about messing up in front of. It was no secret to anyone, except Misty, that I had a massive crush on the blonde witch. Everything about her captivated me in a way that a spell never could. It wasn't love, I knew that much. But I did know was that it was-

   "C'mon Cordelia! You've been upstairs for ages!" Madison yelled up. 

   I sighed, my thoughts being cut off. I walked out of my room in a pair of black leggings and a baggy blue and purple tie-dye shirt and a backwards baseball cap. It wasn't often that I wore them, but I had just found it from my days in college and I hadn't washed my hair in a good few days.

   I came down the massive stairs and into the kitchen where everyone else was. I greeted everyone until I got around to Misty and I became flustered almost instantly. 

   "You were keepin' everyone waitin' huh Delia?" Misty asked and I could tell she had had a couple shots already. 

   "Yeah I was." I joked.

   Before I could even form another thought, Queenie put a shot beside me. 

   "You need it girl." She said.

   "What is it? It looks like piss." 

   "Don't ask, just drink. Besides I would never do that to you. Madison absolutely would though." 

   I chuckled as I took the shot. I grimaced a little from the burn of not drinking in a while, but it was good. I told Queenie and she smiled. 

   "Thanks, it's whiskey with a sweet and sour mixer." She stated while pouring another one and handing it to me. 

   "Off to a great start." Zoe said from behind as I took my shot.

   "I just wanna have fun tonight." 

   "Oh I know what you mean." Zoe looked to Misty, then me, and winked.

   "Shut. Up." I teased, lightly slapping Zoe's arm. 

   "Group shots!" Madison yelled as everyone came back to the counter and did their best to grab their own shot glasses, but I was the only one who managed to keep my own. 

   Queenie and Nan poured shots as Misty and I stood beside each other. My breath caught in my throat as I looked over at her. Her hair was down was per usual. She was hearing a tight white crop top and blue scrub pants with pink socks. Her lean figure seemed prominent with her clothes. Had it not been for Madison's loud voice and Misty moving, I would've completely missed the shot because I was staring at Misty. 

   The shot was another whiskey sour, which was fine by me. Everyone broke off into their own conversations and I stood talking with Zoe and Kyle. 

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