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A/N: Hi everyone! This oneshot is based off a comic I read the other day! I'll post the information to the comic below. I highly encourage you to read the comic because, as sad as it is, it provides a harsh reality to the cruelty that black cats face. At the end of the comic, there are some statistics and ways to help! I hope you all enjoy! 

Comic information: "Black Cats" full comic by Jenny Jinya 

Prompt: Cordelia takes Misty to a local animal shelter where they adopt their first animal together 

POV: Cordelia 

"C'mon Dee, where are you taking me?!" Misty whined in the passenger seat, scratching at the purple bandanna around her eyes. 

"It's a surprise!" I exclaimed, stealing a glance at her. I knew she was trying to get into my thoughts to see what was going on, but I know a bit more magic than she does to combat it. 

"You know I don't like surprises." 

"I won't be leaving you babe, I'll be right here the whole time." I answered, gently putting my hand in hers. 

She twitched but opened her hand to mine, then curled her fingers tightly. I knew she was scared, but I wasn't going to let anything bad happen to her. Instead, I was surprising her with something she's been wanting to do for a long time. 

It's no secret to anyone that Misty Day is a lover of all animals. Traditional and non-traditional. She would keep an entire zoo at the Academy if we let her. But our only dog is Max, a German Sheppard that Zoe and Queenie found as a puppy a couple years ago. 

Now I wanted an animal that belonged to me and Misty. Of course everyone at the Academy would get to love on it, but Misty and I didn't want to share this one. It will be a cute playmate for Max, but Misty and I will be its "parents." And to do that, I'm taking Misty to our local animal shelter. 

We agreed a couple weeks ago that we would look primarily at cats since we already had a dog. Misty spent hours going back and forth on what kind she wanted, what we should name it, what gender it would be. In the end, we decided that we would choose the animal that called out to us. 

But, I also knew that taking Misty to an animal shelter was a huge gamble. She could end up crying because she wanted to keep all the animals, which I understand. Sometimes I cried thinking about them too. But, we both knew we could never take care of all the animals like they deserve. 

"Deeeeeeeeee!" Misty whined louder, beginning to fidget more. 

"We're almost there my love." I said, picking her hand up in mine and kissing her knuckles gently before returning my gaze back to the road. 

She huffed as we pulled into the parking lot of the animal shelter. Dogs were barking at us and my heart fell to my stomach. I wanted every single one of them. Cat, dog, young, old, perfectly healthy, struggling in health. I shook my head as Misty turned her head in my direction. 

"Do I hear dogs? We don't have Max with us do we?" 

I laughed. "Here my tender rose, let me take that blindfold off you." 

I untied the blindfold and ran my hand through her unruly blonde curls. Once when we were at the supermarket and a little boy told Misty that her hair looked like a waterfall of cheese. Now when I play with her hair, I think of that memory and giggle. 

Misty was still staring at me when I took the blindfold off. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. 

"Am I not a good enough surprise?" I joked, quirking one of my eyebrows up, then nodding my head forward to the shelter. Misty turned quickly and squealed with delight. 

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