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Prompt: Mary Eunice and Lana Winters have escaped from the asylum and now live in Boston. Lana decides that on a day off for both of them, they should go on a date to one of the biggest libraries in the world, and they make it into a date. 

POV: Lana

I put in they key to the door of mine and Mary's apartment. I walked in to the gentle scent of vanilla lavender, Mary's favorite lotion. I set my purse down along with the two bags of groceries, and heard a weird sound coming from the bathroom. I furrowed my brow until I heard a crash in the bathroom. then a whimper. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and ran to the bathroom, only to find Mary giggling to herself, the bottle of lotion on the ground. 


She turned around and had two chopsticks coming out downwards from her mouth, and she put her hands up, all while laughing. 

"Do I look like a walrus?" She managed to ask between the sticks and her laughter. 

I started laughing too, so much that my sides started hurting. I walked to her, pulled the chopsticks from her mouth, and nodded. "Like the cutest walrus I've ever seen." 

Mary wiped her eyes and took in deep breaths. "I jumped so hard when I saw myself in the mirror that I knocked my lotion over!" 

"I heard baby." I looked at the knife I had set down beside the chopsticks. "I heard." I repeated. 

I walked back out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where I started putting the groceries away. I stocked the fridge with the essentials, and a few extra things Mary and I liked to have on the side. I re-shelved the cabinets with food and spices, then threw the bags away. I stretched my arms out a bit and made my way back to the couch in the main room and plopped down on the couch. Mary made her way out of the bathroom and sat on the couch next to me, interlocking her fingers with mine. 

Its been 2 years since we got out of Briarcliff and 1 year since I promised her I would never leave her side. Not that I ever had any intention of it, and I knew she didn't either, but that was when we made it official. And there is nothing I would change about any of it. I don't regret anything, especially about me and Mary. We may have had a scary start, but now she's here. She's with me, safe. And that's what matters most. 



"I'm honking you." 

Mary giggled and laid her head on my shoulder. "I honk about you all the time." 

I smiled and wiggled a little closer to Mary. "So what are we going to do today?"

"I have no idea. Do you have any plans?" 

"I was thinking we could tour the Boston Public Library? I know how much you like books." I suggested, knowing the library wasn't very far from our little home. 

Mary shot up at the offer and smiled widely. "Yes! Yes Lana I would love to!" She got off the couch and put her hands on her cheeks. "Oh there will be so much to take in! All the books! The lives stored in them! The stories! It'll be fantastic!" She squealed. 

I laughed and also stood up, nodding. "Yes it will be love." I took her hand in mine again, hoping to calm her down a little since she was bouncing on her heels. "Do you want to get anything before we leave?" 

She nodded quickly and ran back into the bathroom where the sink started running. I sighed but smiled and went to my purse to gather my own things, looking at the framed picture of me and Mary that sat on our counter. We had just gotten a letter from Boston University that Mary had been accepted into their psychology program, and so we had gone out to eat for celebration. 

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