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Prompt: Cordelia has not felt well for a couple of days, but Misty has been right beside her, trying to help her feel better. 

POV: Misty

Cordelia was laying in my arms, her eyes closed and her gentle breaths hitting my chest. My fingertips grazed her shoulder blades and reached up to gently rub her shoulders. She hummed when I did so, allowing for a bit of relief for her. I smiled to myself, watching her mouth twitch a little. She always looked so peaceful while she slept, but I did like to watch her.

She says it's creepy, I think it's romantic. 

I like to watch her little movements. The way I can see her eyes still moving a little behind her eyelids. The way her nose twitches a bit when I give it a gentle kiss. Her chest gently rising and falling in rhythm with mine. Everything about Cordelia made me melt. She felt like my missing puzzle piece in a life where there was no picture on the outside of the box. 

She stirred a little in my arms, then coughed into her elbow. Cordelia has been sick for a week now but refuses to go to the doctor. 

"I don't have time." Was one excuse. 

"The girls need me." Was another. 

But I knew she just didn't want to be told that she was sick. That she would have to take a couple days off for herself and to rest. No, Cordelia hated those realizations. She was not used to taking time off, especially for her well-being. She had always powered through them, like the time she had strep throat for a week before finally going to the ER at 4 in the morning. 

But now Cordelia promised me that she wasn't in that much pain again. She only had a mild cold. So I got the honor of taking care of her and helping her feel better as best as I can. And that means lots of kisses, snuggles, candy, soup, and movies with some occasional trips to the greenhouse so she can get some clean, fresh air. 

Which gets no objection from me of course. 

We had been watching Mary Poppins but before the movie was even over, she had fallen asleep. But she needed the rest and we both knew it. 

I gently stroked her cheek and her head shifted so I cupped more of her cheek and I smiled. She never liked showing that she was sick, but she wanted other people to show it. She wanted to take care of everyone, but she didn't think that she herself deserved to be taken care of. I understand how she feels because I'm the same way, but I wish I could make things better for her, mentally and physically. 

"Misty?" Her voice sounded hoarse. 

"Yes my love?" She snuggled closer to me and breathed warmth onto my neck. 

"I love you." 

"I love you princess." I said and placed a gentle kiss on top of her blonde hair. 

"What time is it?" 

"About 1:30." 

She pulled back from me quickly, alarmed. "A.M.?" 

I laughed and rubbed her shoulders softly, trying to help release her tension. "No baby, p.m. 1:30 in the afternoon." 

"Oh." She whispered, then snuggled back into the bed. 

"A few more minutes?" I suggested, rubbing her back as she settled back in. 

I felt her nod and within a couple minutes, she was back to sleep. I kissed her all over again until I myself felt tired, and then fell asleep. 

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