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Prompt: Nora and Billie Dean are cleaning the basement together and Billie finds a box with her name on it. Curious, she opens it and finds love letters.

POV: Billie Dean 

Cleaning. One of the things I hate most in this world, next to racist people and homophobes. And my life has all three. 

But today I was cleaning with my favorite person in the world. Nora Montgomery was my missing puzzle piece, and she completes my heart. She makes me the happiest person in the entire world, more than I could ever imagine. She's so caring, tender, beautiful, amazing. She's absolutely perfect. She's my happy ending. 

She's also distant. She doesn't want to get too attached again and it's almost like she's afraid of being treated well. She loves giving me hugs and kisses. She loves being the big spoon, and she usually wants to top me. Whenever I try to do the same for her, she gets jumpy. Nervous. Like she doesn't know what to do or how to respond. 

As if no one has ever treated her like that. 

We are working on it though. If she has a particularly bad day, I'll hold her and kiss her. But the next day it's as though it never happened. She never wants to talk about it but I think it's because she doesn't want to seem weak to me. To anyone. 

Or, maybe Nora doesn't want me to take care of her. Maybe she thinks I'm inadequate? There's a lot of maybe's to this situation. She has always been more on the independent side, not wanting or letting anyone take care of her. I tried not to think too much about it. 

"Why do insects get to die in this house but humans can't?" I heard Nora mutter from the other room. I laughed and shook my head. 

"They don't have feelings like we do!" I replied. 

"Well I"m feeling like I'm tired of finding 20 dead spiders in the corner." 

I set the box down that I had in my hand and walked to the other little room in the basement, the one with the crib where Nora had Nicholas until Vivian came and got him. Nora turned when she heard me come into the room and smiled slightly at me. 

"Why don't you go upstairs and take a break?" I asked, gently taking the cleaning rag out of her hand, putting it on the floor, and wrapping my arms around her waist. 

"We only started two hours ago." 

"That's a long time baby." 

"Then you should take a break too." 

"I got here 15 minutes ago." 

"I don't want you to be alone down here." 

"I'm a big girl Nora, I can handle myself. Besides, I'm a medium. Handling spooky stuff is what i do." I answered, placing a soft kiss on her exposed chest. 

"Okay then. I'll just get some water and breathe fresh, non-dusty air and I'll be back down soon love." 

I nodded and she kissed the tip of my nose, then my lips softly.  She was so harsh when I first met her. She had so many walls to break down and truth be told, so did I. We're still not all the way there together but we have a better understanding of each other, what we like and don't like. She always tries her best to do what she can for me, even if she doesn't fully comprehend it herself. One night we were laying in bed, helping each other with our mental setbacks. She looked over at me, smiled, and said "We make a great team." I smiled and agreed. 

Nora unknowingly took me out of the moment by ending the kiss. She put her hand on my cheek gently, smiled, and walked upstairs. I went back to my original room and took more boxes off the shelves. 

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