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Prompt: Lana and Mary have become fast friends and lovers. One night, Mary and Lana are cuddling in Lana's cot, and Sister Jude comes into the cell for a surprise inspection of Lana's things, catching the two women.

POV: Mary

 I felt the movement of Lana's chest against my own, her calm breathing fueling my own calmness. We have been seeing each other for a month, and this was one of our every other night treats, just getting to cuddle. We chose to stay in Lana's cell because, if someone caught her coming out of my room, it would be more suspicious than if I came out of hers. 

Some nights we would spend whispering to each other about each other coming out, about our dreams and hopes of escaping, about what our lives were like when we were not trapped in this hell house. Other nights we were silent, understanding each other through gentle touches and quiet breathing. Tonight was one of those silent nights. 

Despite the silence, neither of us heard the footsteps coming down the hall, even with Sister Jude's slight heels of her outfit. Maybe we were falling asleep already with our ideas of freedom and love. But we did not have time to do anything when we heard the keys in the lock. 

"Lana Winters, you're having-" Sister Jude boomed, but stopped short when she saw us in the bed, my habit carelessly piled in the opposite corner of the room. 

Sister Jude stiffened as Lana and I bolted up, Lana moving herself in front of me. Two guards in white outfits moved to the door frame as well, and for a few seconds, my heart stopped beating. I felt like I was going to pass out. Adrenaline coursed through every inch of me, making me tremble. 

"Well." She said, softly but not kindly, "I was going to give you a room inspection, but I have seen all that I need to see. Guards. You know what to do." Sister Jude said, waving her hand. 

"No!" Was all I heard Lana scream before a blur of white surrounded me, and then darkness enveloped me. 

I am not sure when I came to, but I was now in a blue dress that was meant for the patients. Patients. I looked from side to side and saw that my wrists and ankles were restrained. "No" I thought, "This can't be, I-" With that, the doors opened and more guards walked in, wheeling a machine with them. Then Dr. Arden. Then Sister Jude. 

"Well, what do we have here?" Dr. Arden asked, then slapped me so hard that it rattled my jaw. I whimpered in pain as he bent close to my ear and whispered, "You're worse than Shelley." 

He moved around to the machine and took the prongs off the hook. The shock machine. Confusion was no longer my state of being. 

Panic was. 

I started moving as much as I could, hoping this was a sick joke. Hoping that this was all a misunderstanding. But I knew it was not. We had been caught. 

Then, with another surge of panic, I thought of my partner. 

"Lana!" I screamed. "Lana! Where is she?!" 

"Being taken care of." Jude snapped, then nodded to the guards. One came over and held my head in place while the other put the brown mouthpiece in my mouth to stop me from screaming. I then felt the cold prongs on either side of my head and I knew what was coming. I bit down on the mouthpiece and tightened my fists, things Lana told me she did to lessen the pain. 

Currents surged through me. At first, all I felt was hot. Then the pain hit me. My entire body seized until I could no longer move. I screamed into the mouthpiece, my eyes wide open, staring at the evil faces above me. I never understood why the patients hated us, or rather, the workers, as much as they did until this moment. Because they are malevolent. Because they have no good intention in them. Because they are wicked. 

My body fell back onto the bed, exhausted and crying with pain. "Why?" It kept screaming at me. "Why did you have to get caught? Why did you have to fall for a woman?" I asked myself. I tried shaking my head but it was being held in place again. I did not choose any of this. I did not choose this life, this pain, this suffering. 

Today, half of me was killed. 

I blacked out once the second shock ran through me. 

I woke up in a hospital bed, but in a different room than before. I was now in the infirmary. I was still restrained down to the bed, and I had never been in so much pain before. The room still felt like it was spinning and I could feel the electricity running its course in me. I carefully rolled my head from side to side, trying to gauge any idea of time. 

"It's 3  in the morning." A voice said. 

I jumped and noticed a figure that was not there before. It was Kit. A bit of relief fell over me seeing a face like his. He and I never got into any scuffle and we just let each other alone. We had no reason to cross each others paths. 

"Wh-What are you doing here?" I whispered, my voice coming out hoarse. 

"I heard what happened with you and Lana." He said softly, moving forward a bit. 

"Has everyone heard?" 

"Well, Lana wasn't quiet in her protesting, so everyone knows something is wrong. I just heard Jude and Arden talk about it outside in the hallway." 

I bit my lip and looked again at the leather around me. "Is she okay?" I sighed. 

Kit shrugged. "Why don't you ask her yourself?" 

And from the shadows, another figure emerged. Lana. My mouth hung open as she ran to me and stroked my cheek. "Mary." She choked, tears spilling from her eyes. 

"Lana." I answered, tears spilling from my own. 

"Oh, you look awful." She murmured, looking at my temples. 

I laughed. "Thanks babe." 

Lana's eyes widened. "No no I didn't mean-" 

"I know." I said quietly, and wiggled my fingers. She smiled and brought her hand to mine, her fingers intertwining with mine. She gently kissed my forehead, then sat down in the seat next to mine. 

"How did you get here?" I asked, more to both Lana and Kit. 

"I was sent by Jude to come and help 'correct' you, if you know what I mean." Kit responded. My stomach flipped. I knew exactly what he meant. "But," He continued, "I don't think you and Lana should be ostracized for who you love. It's ridiculous. So I got some drugs from the infirmary here, slipped them to the guards, and they let me get Lana and bring her here. Under the condition that no one finds out of course."  

"And you? I mean are you okay? What did they do to you?" I asked frantically. 

Lana brought her free hand to my long blonde hair and soothed me. "Hey it's okay, I'm okay. It's nothing I'm not used to. Just some shock. Some medicine. The usual." 

My stomach flipped again but this time I retched. The usual. This was normal for Lana. That is why she knew how to take such good care of me all the time. Because she has been through all of this before. Lana brought a bucket to me but I shook my head. 

"This shouldn't be usual for you Lana. Not for anyone." I whimpered. 

Lana nodded and set the bucket back down, her eyes kind. "I know, but right now there's nothing we can do about it. You can't fight hate with hate." 

I looked over at Kit who was smiling at us. I smiled back and said, "Thank you. For everything." 

"Don't mention it. Love is love ya know? These people are bitter because they never got that love." He shrugged but smirked. 

I looked back at Lana and she gave me a small kiss on the head, then cheek, then lips. "I'll see you again soon Mary. I promise." She then leaned down and kissed my hand. She untangled herself from my hand and I felt cold and sad. 

"We need to go before the guards get too suspicious." Lana said, then looked at Kit. 

"Thank you again, both of you." I said and they both smiled. 

"I love you Mary Eunice." Lana said before leaving the room. 

"I love you too Lana Winters." I replied, then the door shut quietly behind them. 

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