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Prompt: Lana and Mary share their first kiss together 

POV: 3rd person 

"No you don't understand, everything has to be perfect!" Lana said to her friend, James, as the two of them got the apartment ready. 

"What do you mean? As long as you two lock lips, who cares?" They replied. 

Lana rolled her eyes. "You know how important these things are! When you and Mikey started dating, didn't you want the first kiss to be perfect?" 

"Honey I was still trying to get Mikey to call me 'they' rather than 'him'. We had a lot of hurdles to jump." 

"Okay but when you got to the kiss, didn't you want it to be perfect?" 

"I think he was talking about some math problem and I kissed him partly to shut him up." James answered, smiling. 

Lana shot him a glare, then said, "I'm going to throttle you." 

James laughed and finished putting up the pink cutout heart over the fireplace in the apartment that she and Mary shared. James and Mikey live next door to the two women and they all quickly became friends once everyone realized that all four are queer. 

Lana and Mary have been dating for three months now. They escaped the asylum about 6 months ago, but both women were healing from their traumatic experiences. They both had feelings for each other but decided it would be best to work on themselves before getting involved in a relationship. 

The decision worked out for the better. Both women went to therapy and had plenty of time to become who they were before the whole nightmare. They were able to spend time together and talk about things other than the asylum, or being reminded of it when seeing the other. And that was a major step in the right direction. Long talks about the future and other plans that lasted all night and into the morning fueled their friendship and their romantic feelings for each other. 

One night, after a party with James and Mikey, Lana and Mary were cuddling on the couch while watching a show, when Mary looked up at Lana and said, "Lana, I-I like you a lot." 

It took Lana by surprise because she thought Mary would never admit to it. She was always the shy and quiet one, but it did make Lana smile because she felt the exact same. Lana gently took Mary's cheek and smiled. 

"I like you a lot too." 

Lana tipped her head in but she felt Mary pull away little. 

"I-I'm no-not ready to k-kiss." She stuttered, visibly shaken and a little scared. 

To Mary's surprise, Lana's smile never wavered, but she did soften a little. "That's completely okay. Whenever you're ready, I will be too." 

Mary also relaxed a little and let out a sigh of relief. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" She asked the brunette. 

"Nothing else in the world would make me happier." Lana replied, running her thumb on Mary's cheekbone. 

Ever since that night, everything has been better for both women. They have opened up to each other even more and been able to do more for each other. Of course, there are some times when recovery is harder than others, but they know that they always have each other to lean on and help. 

"Is this good, your highness?" James asked, pulling Lana out of her head space. 

James had glued a picture of Lana and Mary to a cut out heart and put it in the center of the room. They looked to Lana for approval, hopeful that she would be okay with it. 

"It's good enough, peasant." 

"You and me are going to get in a fist fight." James said, taping the final picture up. 

Lana laughed as she looked at her watch. It was already 4:55, Mary would be home in 5 minutes. 

"You gotta get out!" Lana said, cleaning up some of the excess paper shreds. 

"Don't have to tell me twice." They replied, opening the door. Then, they peaked back into the room and smiled. "Good luck love." They said, then closed the door. 

Lana smiled, hoping that this will be perfect for Mary. She had confessed to Lana she had never been surprised for a date and she had always wanted to. They had also started kissing each others cheek, forehead, and hands, and Mary said she was ready to pick up a step. But Lana lied and said that she wanted to wait, so that she could plan this. 

Lana heard the key in the door and perked up, ready to greet Mary. Once the door opened though, Mary had her head down, quiet cries escaping her lips. 

She looked at Lana whose heart instantly fell. 

"Oh baby, what-" 

Before she could finish, Mary dropped her bag on the floor, said, "Lana!" and walked to Lana and hugged her, burying her face in her neck and crying. 

"Shhh, it's okay." Lana said, rubbing Mary's back. 

Mary cried harder and her knees gave out, but Lana supported them and lowered them to the floor. The two sat like that, Lana holding Mary while the blonde cried. Lana rubbed her back and rocked them which is what she does when Mary has nightmares and it calms her down. 

After a few minutes, Mary pulled back and wiped her eyes with her hands. 

"I'm sorry." She whimpered. 

"It's okay." Lana replied, kissing her girlfriends forehead. 

"I just, I had a panic attack at work and then my boss yelled at me for it and I was so embarrassed and then when I was walking home someone bumped into me and I fell on the pavement and they didn't apologize and no one helped me up. I was embarrassed again and-" 

Mary stopped and looked around the room, noticing the decorations. 

"What's this?" She asked. 

Lana gently placed her hand on Mary's cheek  and turned her head away from the decorations. 

"It's okay, we can talk about it later." 

"No, did you-did you do this for me?" Mary stuttered out. 

"I said we can-" 

"You did. You were planning a surprise for me." She said, her eyes widening and new tears filling her eyes. 

"Well yes." Lana said, brushing some blonde hair out of Mary's face, unable to deny anything any longer. 

"That is so sweet and lovely. I'm so sorry I ruined it." Mary said, standing up and extending her hand to Lana to help her up. 

"You didn't. I'm sorry you had an awful day." 

"My day always becomes better when I come home to you." Mary said, wrapping her arms around Lana's waist and pulling her to her. 

There was a slight tension in the room. Not sexual, but something. Both felt it as they stared into each others eyes, longing pulling at their hearts. 

"May I kiss you?" Mary whispered. 

Lana laughed and softly put her lips onto Mary's. They were a little chapped since it was the winter, but that didn't stop her. Lana savored the moment, wanting to store it in her mind forever. Mary felt the same way, knowing that this was the best moment of her life. Lightning seemed to go off from nerve of their body, connecting to the other. They were caught in their own storm of pure love. And it was the most perfect storm of their lives. 

When they had to pull back for air, both were smiling as wide as they could. 

"I love you." Mary said, lacing her fingers in Lana's. 

"And I love you." Lana responded, bringing Mary's hand to her lips and kissing it gently. 

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