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A/N: This is dedicated to my own Cordelia, to the person who has helped me in more ways than I can ever fathom. She has turned me into a better person, someone who is finally happy and looks forward to life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart babe.

Prompt: Cordelia and Misty have the house to themselves for the night, so Misty decides to surprise Cordelia with a little date night! 

POV: Misty 

Finally, a free night. A night to do nothing. Everything in the Coven has been extremely hectic since everyone is now less than 2 weeks away from performing the Seven Wonders. But since it was a free night, Misty decided that Cordelia deserved a relaxing night too from all the hard work and long hours she has been putting in, especially as the supreme. All the other girls were leaving to do whatever they wanted, so the two had the house all to themselves. 

It started with asking Cordelia for help on stuff in the greenhouse. Which turned into us spending time together on our own, which had nothing to do with school. Then that turned into lunch dates in between studying and work. Then some nights I would end up in her bed or she would be in mine, both of us holding each other. Finally, a month ago we had our first kiss in the greenhouse. That was also the day she asked me to be her girlfriend. 

So here we are, a whole month later. And I couldn't be happier. Cordelia made me feel like the only girl in the entire universe. She made me feel special. Tonight was her turn to feel special. Even though she said I do make her feel special, it was going to be about her tonight. 

All of the other girls were gone by now and Cordelia was in her office finishing up a few papers before coming down. She knew I had something planned for her tonight but she didn't know what. I finished setting up the blanket/pillow fort in the main room of the Coven where the TV is and I picked out her favorite movies, the two Wonder Woman movies, plus the old and remake version of Mary Poppins. I also made spaghetti with Alfredo sauce, both of our favorites. And for dessert, I went to the store and got tiramisu, also her favorite. I poured us each water because we're out of all alcohol, thanks to Madison. Then I poured some water into a vase and put in the navy blue roses I had gotten her. 

Everything was ready. I just hoped she liked it. There was always a voice whispering in the back of my mind that nothing I did was ever good enough, that I was never good enough. Cordelia always reassured me, but sometimes it was just too much to handle. All I wanted was for her to have the very best. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Cordelia come down the stairs. I turned to greet her and saw her glasses pushed up into her shoulder length blonde hair, her pale hands rubbing her eyes from the lack of sleep. She was wearing one of my over-sized long sleeved Stevie Nicks shirt and black yoga pants. 

"Hey babe." I said, meeting her at the bottom of the steps and wrapping my arms around her waist. 

"Hey Mist." She said, smiling at me. "Are you-"

She stopped short when she moved around me and saw the little blanket/pillow fort and all its contents. My heart fell into my stomach when she didn't answer, I had messed this up somehow. 

"It-It's okay, we can-" I started to whisper but Cordelia turned, pulled me to her, and kissed me. She cupped my cheek and used her thumb to stroke the cheekbone and I wrapped my arms around her waist again. 

She pulled back slightly and smiled with tears in her eyes. "Misty this-this is all wonderful. It's so lovely. I-I don't know what to say." 

"Ya don't have to say nothin' babe." I said as I took her hand and we took the last step into the main room. 

She smiled at the little fort and asked, "How much magic did you use for this?" 

"Only Google and some tape!" 

They both laughed as Misty set out the movies in front of them. "Which movie do you want to start with?" 

"Lets start with the old Mary Poppins, one we both know!" She said cheerfully. I nodded and practiced my telekinesis to get the DVD player open, the DVD in, to close it, and then to bring to remote to me. Cordelia smiled and raised her eyebrows at me in surprise and delight. 

"Excellent! You've been practicing!" She complimented and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. 

I nodded excitedly, happy that everything went smoothly.  I turned the TV on and the movie started. We cuddled up together under the fort with our pasta and tiramisu while the introduction to the movie played. 

After a few hours, more pasta, and a dessert later, we finished the last movie I had chosen, which was the second Wonder woman movie. Cordelia and I were tangled together in a blanket, she had me pulled extremely close, her face nuzzled into the crook of my neck, she probably couldn't even see the movie, but she had watched it so many times she knew it line for line. I rubbed her back and played with her hair a bit, Cordelia hated having her hair touched but she trusted me and wanted me to, so I did it happily. 

She was tired, I knew she was. Her eyes kept drooping and every time I moved she whined a little and pulled me closer, not wanting me to leave. But I liked it when she got like this, it lets me know she cares and that she wants me to take care of her. And I want to take care of her, I want to be here for her and to be the one she comes to when she's tired or just needs a "cuddlebutt" as she calls me. 

"Dee?" I asked. 

"Hmm?" She hummed. At least she was awake. 

"Can I tell ya somethin'?" 

"What's up?" 

"You know you mean a lot to me, right? So much so that I can't even-" 

"I know babe." Cordelia said, smiling. 

"Delia, listen." I said, smiling back and cupping her cheek. "You've completely changed my life. For the better. Before I met ya, I would just sit at home most of the day and all night and just be sad. I would play Stevie and tell myself I was happy but I wasn't. Then you came. And now I know what happiness feels like. Having you to wake up to in the mornings, all of our texts throughout the day, and being with you in the nights. I just feel like the luckiest girl in the universe. Because I am. You are so beautiful, kind, precious, smart, funny, and perfect Cordelia. And I couldn't ask to have anyone else by my side." I finished.

Tears fell from Cordelia's eyes again as she smiled. I smiled back and wiped the tears from her eyes and tipped my head. 

"Don't cry princess. It's okay." I soothed. I placed gentle kisses on her cheek, then moved to her neck. It made her giggle when I kissed her neck, and she loved it, so I did. I kissed back up her neck and placed my lips on hers, and she deepened the kiss. Our tongues gently explored each other, but I had to pull back for air. 

Cordelia leaned her forehead against mine and took both of my hands in hers. "You're too wonderful for me. I am so thankful to have you Misty Day." 

"And I am so thankful to have you Cordelia Goode." 

With that, Cordelia flicked her wrist and we were up in her bed, snuggled together as we usually are. 

"What about the dishes?" I asked. 

"Taken care of." She whispered against my neck, and gave me a gentle kiss. 

"Okay baby girl. Get some rest, you deserve it." 

"Goodnight Mist." She sighed as she very quickly fell into a deep sleep. 

"Goodnight Dee." I responded, continuing to rub her back until I also fell asleep, thinking of how lucky I am to have a woman like Cordelia.

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