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A/N: Hi! This is a special one-shot because I broke the usual order BUT it's also my first collab. with holtzbertgoodeday and it was so exciting to do! Enjoy! 

Prompt: Lana Winters is being "treated" with electroshock therapy because of her homosexuality, and because the shocking was so severe, Sister Mary Euinice is told to take care of the woman for the night. 

POV: 3rd person

It was a normal day for Lana at the Asylum. She had therapy and she had tried to stay calm to not get in any trouble. As usual, she stayed seated in one of the couches, playing with her cigarette as she looked around. The nuns were trying to keep up with the other patients but of course they weren't listening to them. She was glad she was still in her right mind, not going crazy yet. But her hopes of having a calm day got ruined when Sister Jude appeared in front of, with a wicked grin on her face. "Miss Winters, I'd like you to follow me please." She turned around and waited for Lana to follow her. Lana furrowed her brows and threw her cigarette, waking behind Jude.

"I-Is everything okay, sister?" Lana asked a little concerned, not getting what was happening.

"Everything is fine, Miss Winters." Sister Jude reassured her. She then made a little move with her head and guards appeared in front of Lana.

"W-What's happening? Sister? No. D-Don't touch me, what are you doing?!" The guards told hold of Lana, grabbing her by the arms and pulling her inside a room. Oh no, she knew this room perfectly. "No! Please don't!"

"You'll be punished for your sin, Miss Winters. We only want to help you out." She smiled as the guards laid her down on the bed, securing her arms and legs.

"P-Please don't! P-Please!" She cried out as she felt them putting that horrible thing in her mouth, stopping her from talking, she turned to look at Sister Jude and found her already behind her. The next thing she felt was a sudden electric shock hitting her head and making her whole-body tremble. This was never going to be done.

"Begging will get you nowhere Lana Banana." Jude mumbled, leaving the room as the doctors and guards took hold of the woman.

Another shock ran through her whole body, tears rolling down her cheeks as her body trembled violently. This was a never-ending story. She then lost consciousness, not knowing about her or what was happening around her anymore.

Mary was walking around the asylum, trying to figure out where Lana was. Sister Jude had come told her that she was on specific orders to take care of Lana because she was receiving treatment for what she had done. And although Mary didn't understand why exactly homosexuality was wrong, she did know that she had to follow the rules of the Bible.

Mary stopped outside of her least favorite room, the electroshock room. Patients have died in here because doctors did not yet understand how much shock a person could handle. And it was just plain cruel. Then, Mary heard quiet whimpers from inside the room, whimpers that she knew belonged to Lana.

The guards tried to pull Lana up but she was unconscious, so they decided to leave her there until she was conscious again, deciding to check on her later. Sister Jude opened the door to leave when she found Mary just in front of the room. "Oh! Sister Mary, Good you're here. We're done with Miss Winters, she's unconscious but I don't think she will last long. They are coming back later to take her to the nursery. You stay here with her, alright?" She smiled as she left the room, not even caring for Lana's state.

"Y-Yes Sister." Mary whispered as everyone left the room. Mary quickly ran to Lana and loosened the binds on her arms and legs, seeing that they were already leaving bruises. She also pulled the mouth piece out, being careful not to roll the woman.

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