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Hey y'all!

This A/N isn't that important. It's basically just me talking about what's been happening in life and why I've been kind of absent! If you wanna skip over it, feel free to! I'll have a new one shot posted probably tomorrow morning! :)

So, like I said, I'm sorry I've been a bit absent or if my one-shot decreased in quality. A LOT has been going on. I do talk a bit about mental health and anorexia. 

In early December, I graduated from my university with my 4-year degree in Psychology! I'm working to be a mental health therapist for children, but I can work with anyone really! 

In late December, things went downhill pretty quickly. My grandmother, who I'm extremely close to, had a big health scare and, honestly, I thought she was going to die. Of course, because of the pandemic, it's not like I could do a whole lot for her, especially when she was in the hospital. That, plus another extremely personal situation, made my mental health plummet. I didn't have a lot of energy to do much of anything.

January/February was looking for jobs in my field and taking care of my grandparents. But in late January and into early February, my youngest cousin, who has severe anorexia, was in and out of the hospital several times and was basically on her death bed each time. During one of her showers, she got hypothermia and passed out. Every time she goes to the hospital, all they can do is stabilize her heart and then they have to discharge her because they need the beds for patients. Every time I get a text from  her sister, I get extremely anxious because I'm afraid that she's died. My cousin and her family live in Canada, so if she were to die, we couldn't really go to her funeral. Of course, that was extremely difficult, and I'm still struggling to handle it all. My youngest cousin is still dying and she won't allow herself to get help. The doctors have told her and my family that it's basically just waiting until she dies of starvation. 

On that thrilling note...

My mental health has been suffering from the weight of everything and other things I want to keep private. Obviously with that comes the physical exhaustion of it all. I'm drained before I even get out of bed lol. 

On top of all of that, I recently got a job at the top behavioral health hospital in my state! I work mainly with the kids and I like it a lot so far, but my shifts don't end until 11 p.m. and I am exhausted. 

I don't want to sound like I'm complaining. I love writing, I love publishing, I love reading all of y'alls comments and hearing what y'all want more of! I just feel like I'm drowning in my own things, and my writing is suffering from it. But I also know that I need time. I need to give myself room to breathe if I want to keep doing this and not get burnt out from it. 

I am by no means going to stop writing and posting one shots. I still enjoy it a lot. It just may be a little less often than usual. 

Thank you for listening and understanding. I appreciate each and every one of you more than you'll ever know. 

Stay safe, wear a mask, be a good person :)


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