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Prompt: Misty and Cordelia have been dating for a few months, but tonight Cordelia didn't feel good, so Misty goes over to comfort her. 

POV: Misty 

I walked down Upperline street with Stevie blasting in my ears. It was my week off from college and I was taking as much advantage of it as I could. I've been living on my own for 2 years now, ever since I graduated high school. And since I'm on my own, I have a job to pay the bills. But today was my day off. Since I already cleaned the hut, I allowed myself to come into town and get a few things for myself. Two of which were little packets of flowers. As much as I loved growing my own, it was also nice to support a local business, especially in a place such as New Orleans. I got a packet of red poppy flowers, my favorite. I also got a packet of navy blue roses, Cordelia's favorite. 

Cordelia Goode is the most perfect human in the entire universe. She's beautiful, kind, funny, gentle, and so smart. She's also my girlfriend. We've been dating for 7 months now, and I couldn't be happier. She made me feel like the only woman in the entire world. And all I wanted is to make her feel as special as she did me. 

I felt my phone vibrate with a text from the princess herself. I was already back in my hut, I had sneaked into an alley and transported myself back home. Once I got my flowers into their vases, I opened my phone into texts. 


I smiled to myself. I loved it when she called me pet names, it was a little reminder that she did still like me. 

"Hi my love! I just got back home." 

"Are you busy then?" 

"Nope! Wanna come over?" 

There was a slight pause in the conversation. I knew she was probably attending to her own things, so I left my phone on the counter while I cleaned my bed off. When I heard my phone again, I was surprised to see that she asked if I could come over. 

"Is your family not home?"  I asked.

"I'll explain when you get here. I mean, if you can come over." 

"Of course I can. Do I need to bring anything?" 

"Just yourself angel." 

"Okay babe. Going to teleport there!" 

"Be safe." She answered.  

Delia didn't always like it when I teleport. A friend of ours, Zoe, tried to teleport and she didn't make it to her destination. Instead, she ended up impaled with a garden fence through her stomach. It almost killed Zoe. But I've always survived, plus I have the ability to resurrect myself, so I wasn't too worried. 

I thought of Cordelia's room and I felt the ground shift underneath me. I closed my eyes and let the sensation take over me as I left my own house and entered hers. When I opened my eyes, I was facing the door, the same way I was when I left the hut. I knew I was in her room so I turned and there, curled up on the bed, was Cordelia. 

"Hi Dee." I called out, smiling. 

She sat up in her bed, turned, and I gasped. Tears were streaked down her cheeks and on her jaw was a bruise, still turning colors. "Mist." She choked out. 

I immediately ran to her bed and pulled her onto my lap as she nestled into my neck. I held her close and rocked us a little as she sniffled. I was heated. I didn't have to ask who did this. We both knew. 

Sadness. Anger. No, not anger. Rage. How could anyone do this to such a sweet and innocent soul? I felt my grip around Cordelia tighten as she shook a little more, and I thought of Fiona. Fiona didn't deserve Cordelia. My Delia. She was too pure, too kind for this world. And she had this wench of a mother. One that yelled at her. One that hit her. One that belittled her for everything she did. One that was about to get a major ass kick. 

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