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Prompt: Mary and Lana go visit their friends Dani and Jamie, in their flower shop down the block.

POV: Lana

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Mary as I put on my hat.

"Ready." She said, walking through the main room and to the front door. 

We walked hand in hand out of our apartment, down the hall, and out the front door. We moved to London about a year ago as a getaway from all of America in general. It surprised us to see how open-minded people were in London. Of course, we still got the usual glances and mumbles, but it was far better than the treatment we got in Boston. We could finally be ourselves and not have to worry as much. 

About the time that we moved into our apartment, two other women, Dani and Jamie, were moving into their own apartment that was right above a flower shop that they owned together. Jamie reminded me a lot of me, strong, independent, willing to do her own thing. Dani was more like Mary, quiet, reserved, but still fierce. Before Mary and I found our jobs, we were there almost everyday to talk to the two women or two help in any way that we could. After we found our jobs, we go over to their shop every weekend to have coffee and to chat. I loved Jamie and Dani dearly, they were the first friends we ever made moving here, and they helped us so much. 

"Poppins, we got company." Jamie called out to Dani, using her affectionate nickname for her. 

"Hey!" Mary said as we walked into the flower shop.

"Hey." Dani said with a smile, coming out of the back with four cups of coffee. Jamie had already brought out the milk, sugar, and creamer in anticipation of our arrival. 

"How are you all doing?" I asked, taking off my coat and hanging it up. 

"Doin' fine I suppose. Yourselves?" Jamie answered. 

"We're good." Mary answered, handing me a cup of coffee.

"Who brewed it today?" I asked.

"I did." Dani said with a wide smile.

"Better add lots of sugar and milk then." I replied with a wink. 

"Aye, you think her coffee and tea is shite now? You should've seen it back when she first moved here. Almost threw up every time she made it." Jamie said, smiling to her girlfriend. 

"All three of you are bullies." Dani said, crossing her arms. 

"What did I do?!" Mary said, pouring the sugar in.

"You're thinking the same thing. I feel it." 

Mary rolled her eyes but we all laughed. It was true, Dani's tea and coffee making skills had come a long way, but she still had a ways of work to do. 

"Oh! Lana! Jamie and I found some poppy flower seeds and started growing them if you want to come check on the progress?"

"Sure!" I said, getting up with my coffee. Poppy flowers are my favorite, they knew it too.

When Dani and I got into the back of the shop, I saw a little sprout of a poppy flower. 

"Awww, it hasn't grown much, has it?" I asked.

"No, but I also need your advice." 

"Dani I'm not the gardener." 

"Not with that, with this." She said, reaching into a stack of boxes and pulling out a ring box, opening it, and revealing a beautiful and simple ring. 

"Oh Dani it's gorgeous." I whispered.

"She picked it out but, at the time, it was too far out of our price range. But I've been saving up since then and I was finally able to buy it. 

"That's sweet. So when are you going to propose? How are you going to?" 

"That's what I need advice on. I wanna do it sooner rather than later cause, ya know..." 

I simply nodded.

"But I think I'm going to pretend to find a plant off the street and bury the ring in the roots of it. Is that...stupid?" 

"No no no not at all. That's super sweet Dani. She'll love it." I said, putting my hand on top of hers. 

"Thank you." She whispered, hiding the ring and ring box again. 

We came back out to Mary and Jamie laughing together on the couch, so Dani and I took the spot on the two barstools. 

"Long time for a flower that's still in bloom?"  Jamie said with a smirk.

"I was giving her coffee pointers." I said. 

"Well if she won't listen to me, hopefully she'll listen to you."

"Doubtful." Dani responded. 

We spent another hour at the shop, just talking and laughing. But the time came for them to open shop so Mary and I decided to go get breakfast and head home. As we hugged goodbye, I pulled Dani close to me and whispered, "You got this." She pulled back and smiled widely.

I knew how nervous she was. When I proposed to Mary, I had no idea what I was doing, if it was right, if it was good enough, or anything. 

I planned an evening for us after a 4 years of us dating. We went on a picnic in the field beside our apartment. She picked flowers and brought the blanket and I provided the food. It was a beautiful evening. But, before we even got to the picnic, clouds started rolling in and it began to storm. I was disappointed because we had had this whole date planned and I was going to finally propose. 

But, as we saved the food and brought everything back inside, Mary suggested we have the picnic in the living room and just open the windows. So, as simple as it seemed, that's what we did. And it was perfect. We sat and watched the storm, had sandwiches and fruit, and enjoyed each others company. 

Before I even knew what I was doing, while we were cleaning everything up, I turned to Mary and took her hands, and said, 

"You know I love you right? I love you so so much. More than anything in the entire world. More than anyone in the entire world. And I can't imagine spending life with anyone else. I want you, and only you, for forever." 

Then, I got down on one knee, and proposed. 

"Mary Eunice, will you marry me?" 

Tears were flowing from both of our eyes as she nodded frantically. I stood up as Mary immediately brought me to her and we held onto each other, laughing and kissing each other gently. She made me happy, happier than I ever thought possible. But damn, was I nervous. 

I was brought out of the memory as Mary and I entered our favorite little breakfast shop, a couple blocks from our apartment. 

After we sat down and ordered, Mary looked at me with questioning blue eyes. 

"So, what did you and Dani talk about for so long?" She asked. 

"Dani is going to propose to Jamie soon." 

Mary lit up like a light and covered her mouth. 

"Oh my gosh that's so sweet! Oh they'll be so cute and amazing! How does she want to do it?" 

"Put the ring in a potted plant she claimed to find so that Jamie has to dig through it and find it." 

"That's so cute oh my goodness. I'm so happy for them." 

"I am too, they deserve it." 

We sat and had our breakfast in silence, then walked back to our apartment. It made me so happy to think about Jamie and Dani's love story unfolding and remembering mine and Mary's as well. 

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