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Prompt: Sarah and Lily exchange their first "I love you" 

POV: Lily 

Sarah Paulson is the most perfect woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. We've been dating for almost a month now and I've never felt this kind of happiness since...well...ever honestly. There's just something about her that truly captivates me. Maybe it's her dark brown eyes that sparkle when she talks about something that excites her. Maybe it's her short brown hair that she lets me, and only me, play with. Maybe it's her smile and laugh that make my heart swell. Maybe it's her gentle skin and touch that makes me immediately melt into her. 

There's a lot of reasons she has captivated me. And that's why I'm in love with her. 

It is scary for me to think about, opening my feelings up to someone, even Sarah. Because if she doesn't feel the same, then we'll be over. I know she says that she wants to talk about things with me, whether she feels the same or not, but I also don't want to rush her. I don't want to be faced with rejection again. Sarah has changed my life so much and if she doesn't feel the same, then I don't know if I can pull myself out of depression again.

Maybe I should just wait a little longer to tell her. 

All these thoughts rushed through my mind as I walked up the tiny two steps and onto her small porch to the studio apartment she lives in. She jokes that I live here too, the only day I don't come over is Tuesday nights because my parents want me home. But tonight was Friday night and neither of us have school or work tomorrow, which means a long, lazy night. I knocked on the door and I heard light footsteps leading to the door. 

She had on black yoga pants with a blue t-shirt. However, she had already ditched the long blonde wig she was wearing for the shoot. She was making a small appearance in a show called American Horror Story, one where I was going to be appearing in too, but I didn't have to start shooting for a couple of days. I was supposed to be working with a baby and they haven't found one yet. 

"Hi." She said, smiling. 

"Hey, can I come in? It's cold." I remarked, giggling as snow started falling. 

Sarah didn't even answer, she just wrapped her arms around my waist, picked me up and spun me around into the room main room while she kicked the door closed. 

"Sarah!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around her neck. Then I wrapped my legs around her waist as she held me. 

"Lily?" She asked, still smiling with her brows raised. But her voice had a bit of a tease to it. 

She leaned in and kissed me gently, her strength on my body never wavering. I kissed back, butterflies exploding in my stomach. How is it that one person can make me feel so happy, so safe, so loved?  How is it that Sarah makes me forgot all of my anxiety, depression, and trauma? 

Sarah moved a little then gently laid me on her bed, the kissing getting a little rougher. I opened my legs to allow her to lay there, and she pressed herself to me. Her hand moved a little to grab my breast, causing me to moan in her mouth. 

Suddenly, an alarm went off. She pushed herself off me and smiled. "Popcorn's ready." 

"Can't you finish what you started?" 

Sarah smiled, leaned down and kissed my neck, then put her mouth to my ear. "Maybe later, if you're a good girl." 

Before I could say anything, she got back up and went to the kitchen. I huffed and laid there, readjusting my gray sweatpants and red sweatshirt. I turned the TV on and readjusted myself, leaning into her pillows. Sarah then brought back two massive bowls of popcorn, one for each of us. She handed me the bowl with chocolate M&M's in them while she got a plain bowl, but hers had extra butter in it. I put mine on the nightstand beside me and opened my arms to her, so that we could be close and snuggle. 

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