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Prompt: Cordelia and Misty are picking up their daughter Rosie, and have a chance to talk to her teacher, Ms. Mills. 

POV: Misty

Cordelia and I were walking to pick up our daughter Rosie from elementary school. Every time I thought of Rosie, or our little family in general, my heart always burst with joy. We adopted Rosie when she was around a week old, her parents are friends of Cordelia's so that made the process a little smoother. There were a few nights when one of us would get nervous that Rosie's parents would back out of the adoption. But when the day came, we were able to go in and get Rosie. 

Bringing Rosie home was a mix of fear, joy, and exhaustion. People always told me that parents of newborns never get any sleep, and I would laugh. Nothing comes between me and my sleep. But during the night, when Rosie was hungry or otherwise uncomfortable, she let the whole world know. It was good for me and Cordelia that we got a month of maternity leave and were able to enchant the walls to make our room soundproof. Queenie, Zoe, and Nan took over the Coven in Cordelia's absence, Cordelia only attended to the work only she could do. 

When Rosie became a toddler, it got easier to take care of her in some aspects, yet harder in others. She was never one for the "terrible two"'s, but she did have her times. She liked to follow people around and the girls loved having Rosie around as she made everyone feel a bit better. She got into everything she shouldn't, and repeated words she shouldn't have. Being in a house with teenage and young adult women, she had her fair chances of learning cuss words. Rosie rarely said them though, but when she did, we all laughed about it. 

As Rosie got older though, she began to develop her own. Her big blue-green eyes, pale skin, and brown hair became more prominent over the years, and she had a smile and laughter that was contagious. Her style is simple and unique, all her own. Queenie calls it "How an old woman would dress if she was a child.". Her personality is definitely introverted, she would rather curl up with a book on any given day. She doesn't follow the girls around as much as she used to, but she has her own friends that she hangs out with. 

And thankfully, she loves to hang out with us. 

Everyday, we pick Rosie up after school. It's about a 15 minute walk, and now that she's 6, she can handle it a lot better than she could when she was younger, so we don't need a stroller anymore. On Friday's we run a bit longer though because we make a stop at the library for Rosie to return and checkout books, then we walk through some trails to look at the flowers, and finally we end up near the Academy again, but we stop at the ice cream shop for a treat. Rosie's favorite is mint chocolate chip, mine is cookie's and cream, and Cordelia's is cookie dough. 

Today was Thursday but Rosie doesn't have school tomorrow so we figured that if she had had a good day, we could go do our usual Friday errands. Once we got to the school, the students were filing out. Cars circled the building and other children were running to the playground to wait for their own pickups. The first grade class, Rosie's class, is always the first let out so it's very easy for us to spot her. 

But today, she was with someone. Cordelia recognized her immediately, and her face turned red. 

"Ms. Mills is talking to Rosie." She said, looking at me. 

I followed her gaze and saw them, and I chewed my bottom lip. Ms. Mills is a wonderful teacher, and seemingly wonderful to Rosie. She had always been very kind to me and Cordelia, but there was something off about her. Her olive skin, her big brown eyes, her short cut black hair, she was intimidating. Even to the point that Rosie, Cordelia, and myself were nervous around her at the open house when school first started. 

"Do you wanna go check on them Dee?" 

"No. We'll wait until Rosie comes over. If she tells us, she'll tell us. If it's bad, Ms. Mills will email us." 

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