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A/N: This one shot is exciting for me because I read an article that Netflix is working on making a remake of the 1996 movie, "Matilda", and Sarah Paulson may play Ms. Honey. Matilda is my all time favorite movie so I hope you all enjoy this one as much as I have had fun writing it!

Prompt: Sarah and Lily are having a movie night and they are watching "Matilda" because Sarah was asked to play the role of the teacher, Ms. Honey. The movie night quickly turns into a stay-at-home date night for both of the women.

POV: Sarah

I heard the insane beeping of the microwave while pouring two glasses of wine, one for me and one for Lily. It was the first night that we both had off in weeks, but Lily did not feel so well, so we decided instead of going out, we would just stay in and watch a movie. I had been asked to star in the Netflix reboot of "Matilda" as the teacher that is actually a decent human. I have never seen the movie but I wanted to give the casting directors an answer by tomorrow afternoon, so I thought that for our movie tonight, Lily and I could watch it. 

I opened the microwave and pulled out the steaming bag of popcorn and then put a bowl of ramen noodles in for Lily, one of the only things to help her feel better when she was sick. I went back to the counter and opened the bag to let out the heat while I finished pouring out our wine. Lily has been sick for a week and a half now and I just got her to go to the doctor a couple days ago, and it turned out that she had strep throat. She told the doctor she had been feeling this way for about a week and the doctor looked at her, surprised and asked, "You've had strep throat for a week and you're just now coming in?"  

I smiled at the not so distant memory. That's my stubborn Lily. 

I heard light footsteps and then a plop on the couch. Lily has been wearing this mask over her nose and mouth that is supposed to help prevent the bacteria from spreading to me, but it was too late for that. Though I did not feel bad, Lily and I had been kissing and being intimate. So I would not be surprised if I woke up tomorrow with strep throat anyway. 

I took the wine glasses and popcorn out into the main room where the TV was, and where Lily was curled up on the couch, a blanket wrapped around herself. I gently lifted her head and sat down, then set her head on my lap as I ran my fingers through her yellow soft hair. 

"How do you feel baby?" I asked gently. 

Lily smiled a little. "A bit better since I just woke up. But I still need Advil or something to keep the pain away." 

I nodded. "I got you some wine, and you have ramen in the microwave." 

"Thank you lovepants." 

"Anytime pillypie."

With that, the microwave went off again. Lily picked her head up as I untangled my hands from her hair and I ran to the kitchen to drain the water from the bowl. Lily did not like any of the flavor packets that came with the noodles, so all I had to do was get the water out and take it to her. She sat up on the couch, her body still pale from fighting off the illness. She looked tired and sad, my heart dropped because I hated when she felt so bad. 

"We don't have to watch a movie babe. We can just watch a quick show, shower, and go to bed?" I suggested, placing my hand gently on her thigh. 

Lily shook her head as she took off her mask and blew on the food. "No way." Her voice was a bit hoarse. "We've been waiting for this night for a while and we already aren't going out because of me, there's no way I'm ruining this night even more." 

"Lily, you haven't ruined anything." 

She stopped blowing on my food long enough to shoot me a look that said she thought I was lying. I crawled to her on the couch and kissed her neck but she leaned away. 

"I'm still contagious." She whispered, looking down. 

"You were also contagious the whole week before you actually went to the doctor but here we are!" 

Lily chuckled and shrugged. "Yeah I suppose so." 

I also smiled in response and moved away from Lily, but she just scooted towards me. "I thought you were contagious." I remarked. 

"And I thought our vows said in sickness and in health." 

"We're engaged babe! Not married yet!" 

"Keep up this attitude and I'll call off the wedding myself." 

I sighed but smiled and let Lily rest against me. I turned on the DVD player and we started eating as the title cards rolled. 

After an hour and 42 minutes of laughing and a little bit of crying, I was certain that I wanted to play Ms. Honey. I always seemed to get such weird characters in crazy films, it is going to be nice to settle down a little and play someone so tame and loving. 

I looked over at Lily who was completely wrapped around me at this point. I had one arm wrapped around her with my hand rubbing her back, the other arm resting on the edge of the couch, wine in my hand. She laughed the most through the movie, she had seen it a few times when she was a kid and was just now able to understand some of the dirtier jokes. 

"You would be so wonderful for Ms. Honey." Lily whispered, rolling on my lap so that she was facing the ceiling but her eyes were trained on me. 

"You think so?" 

"I know so Sar. You're so kind and gentle to everyone you meet. Not to mention how smart you are. And even though Ms. Honey/Embeth Davidtz is beautiful, she has nothing on you. You're the most beautiful woman in the world." 

I looked down and blushed as I stroked Lily's cheek. "Have I ever told you how wonderful you are to me?" 

"Yes, on many drunken occasions." She replied giggling and took my hand and intertwined my fingers in hers. 

I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, then on the tip of her nose, and the last one on her smooth lips. There is no greater feeling than kissing the one you love most. 

I set my now empty wine glass on the table and Lily wiggled out from under me. "Lets go to bed?" She asked, pouting and extending her hand, the blanket still wrapped around her. 

I snickered and got up, taking her hand and walking with her to the bed, where she immediately plopped down and went to sleep. I crawled into bed next to her, pulled the covers up around her, and kissed her neck. 

"I love you." I whispered.

I heard a faint, "I love you too." 

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