Colin Bridgerton//Lilacs(2)

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I woke up the next morning ready to go into town and find Colin. Should I bring him something? I'm going to bring him something.

I went into town and bought him a new watch.

I wandered around until I saw someone I recognized from the ball.

"Hello, what's your name?" I asked with a smile.

"I'm Penelope Featherington. What's your name?"

I smiled happily. "I'm y/n. By any chance do you know a Colin Bridgerton?"

"Yeah he's my neighbor, why do you want to know?"

"He saved my life last night and I just wanted to thank him with this watch." I showed her.

"Wow, that's so nice. Come on I'll take you to his house."

"Thank you Penelope." We talked as she led me to his house.

I knocked on his front door and was greeted by one of their butlers.

"Princess Y/n, come in." He invited me in.

"Thank you. Is Colin home?"

"Yes, would you like me to go get him?"

"Yes please. Thank you."

I looked around as I waited, looking at all the painting on the walls. I saw one of Colin. I studied it.

They got his nose wrong.

"Y/n, I wasn't expecting to see you this morning, you'll have to excuse my appearance." Colin walked over to me.

"It's quite alright. You know, whoever painted this made your nose too thin."

He looked at the painting and then in a nearby mirror. "It seems they did." He looked me up and down.

"I got you a gift. A real gift." I handed him the small box and he opened it to see a gold plated watch.

"You'll never believe it, but just last week I saw this watch and wanted to buy it but I didn't have enough money on me at the time."

"I saw it and immediately knew you would adore it." I smiled. "Here. Let me put it on you."

I got the watch and softly held his hand while hooking it. I slowly drug my hand away from his while making eye contact.

"Miss y/l/n may I take you out for a stroll around the gardens?"

"I would love that."

He smiled and started walking towards me. I laughed, "maybe go and put on some actual clothes first."

"Right. I'll be back."

He left and I waited. His mom came up to me.

"Princess y/n, respectfully, what are you doing in my house?"

"Mrs.Bridgerton, it's lovely to meet you. Your son Colin and I met last night at the ball. He saved my life. You know how tight those corsets can get."

"My son saved your life?"

"Yes ma'am. I am Infinitely grateful to both him, and you for raising him to be so respectful."

"Thank you dear. Is my son courting you?"

"He hasn't asked me yet. I wasn't even planning on being available this season. But I'm sure you know the feeling. Love at first sight."

Her eyes widened with a smile. "Oh indeed I do. Will you be at tonight's ball too?"

"Yes ma'am I will. Is it okay with you if Colin walks me in?"

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