Chad Dylan Cooper//Rivals

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The feud between That's So Random and Mackenzie Falls has gone on for way too long in my opinion.

I don't get why we have to hate each other, Chad is actually really sweet and funny, once you get past him being arrogant.

I put on my dress for the skit. It's about Prom.

I wasn't due to set until an hour, however I really loved the dress.

I walked around the building and got hungry, so I went to the cafe.

I grabbed a salad (because I have noticed my thighs getting bigger) and started walking out.

"Y/n, hey." Chad smiled at me.

"Hey chad, what's up?" I smiled back.

"On break for a little bit. What's with the dress?" He asked with a weird face.

"We have a Prom Skit. I'm gonna be the queen."

"Oh. Do you know who's gonna be the king?" He asked kind of nervously.

"Um nico I think. Were gonna have the funny kiss scene where my lipstick gets all over him. Why?"

"Just wondering. What's with the salad? You usually eat steak or something."

"Oh, uh. Just trying to lose some weight that's all."

"I don't think you need to do that. You're perfect already."

His words made my stomach flutter, and my heartbeat quicken.

"Well maybe someone will finally want to go out with me." I jokingly laughed. "That was so desperate, god, Never mind." I walked out of the cafe and back to the clubhouse.

I ate my salad in peace, until sonny came in.


"What? What happened?" I jumped up and asked her.

"He totally poisoned nico and Grady!"

"He did what!?" I yelled incredulously.

"Poison maybe a bit strong, but he definitely put laxatives in their smoothies in the cafe. They're in no shape to be in tonight's skit." She sighed.

"Ugh! I can't believe him! I was just telling him how excited I was to be crowned the queen. Even if it was fake... it's pretty clear that I would never actually be crowned prom queen. That pleasure is all tawni's." I got really somber.

"Why didn't you win it at your old school?" Sonny sat down.

"Because I was a nerd. I was smart. And everyone knows it's the prettiest most popular girl who wins queen, not the smartest." I sighed and stood up. "I'm gonna go talk to him."

"Don't drink anything he gives you!" She warned me.

"I won't."

I angrily walked over to the set of Mackenzie Falls.

"Chad!" I raised my voice at him.

He turned around to look at me, the guy he was talking to awkwardly walked away.

"Y/n." He smiled. "Came back for more?" He smirked.

"Why the hell did you put laxatives in nico and Grady's smoothies!? You should be so ashamed of yourself."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He clearly lied.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yep. I didn't put anything in their drinks." He shrugged.

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