Loki// Please Stay

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Working with the Avengers has been Amazing. I've grown close to all of them. We're all a family.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. I had to clean up a mess in the lab."

"Perfect, the help is here. Can I get a drink please, Asguardian ale if you have any." Thor's brother Loki spoke up.

"First off, why the hell is he here?"

"He's spending time on earth as a reform punishment from the Allfather."

"Seems like punishment for the rest of us." I said snarkily. "And I'm not the help. I'm a scientist."

"Like the green guy."

"Yeah, like the green guy."  I smiled at Bruce jokingly.

"Alright let's continue the meeting." Tony spoke.

"Someone is going to have to watch Loki. Any volunteers?"

Nobody raised their hand. I could feel Loki's sadness from across the table. I'm an empath. I feel what others feel.

"I'll do it." I smiled. "He can be my little assistant in the lab."

"I am not little, darling." He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I demand someone else, as a god."

"A god with no authority on this planet. Come on your highness" I fake bowed. I took him to my lab in the basement.

"This is where we will be spending most of our time together. Honestly I'm usually either in here or in my room."

"What if I don't show up"

"You can either help me In The lab, or I will shoot you with whatever I create." I smiled nicely.

I walked to my station and he followed, standing behind me looking over my shoulder.

"What are you making."

"I'm upgrading Spider-Man's suit while he's on actual vacation this time."


"Oh you haven't met him yet. He's great. He's a kid but he's our kid, you know?"

"I do not."
Over the next couple of months, Loki and I have spent almost every day together. I started to catch feelings, but I keep reminding myself that this is temporary and he's only going to leave.

A few days ago I overheard Thor talking to Tony. Odin says if Loki keeps up the good behavior he could return is as little as a week.

Of course this news devastated me. I didn't want Loki to leave. But I know he did.

"Good afternoon darling, what are we working on today?" Loki smiled as he came into the lab with two coffees, which he had become fond of.

"I don't really need your help today. You can have the day off to read if you'd like."

He smiled more. "Thanks. Doctor."

"Your welcome, your highness." I called him the stupid nickname I've been calling him since we met.

He left the lab and I started on some paperwork for the facility.

I came across a transcript of a conversation between Loki and one of Tony's behavioral evaluators.

Guy:and have you found a hobby or anything you like doing?

Loki: I like being in the lab with the doctor. The hot one. She's different than the rest of them. She accepts me.

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