Spiderman// Secret

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*Tom Holland obviously*

I watched on TV, Spider-Man fighting another bad guy.

Nobody knows but I'm best friends with Spider-Man. Although he hasn't told me who he really is.

He saved me one night, about a year ago, and ever since I've been like, totally in love with him. He did let it slip one time that he went to my school, so that narrows it down a bit.

After winning his fight, once again, he swung to my rooftop.

"Did you see me? I was so cool!" He got excited.

"I saw you for sure, you looked so hot! I mean... uh. Cool." I cleared my throat.

He held. My hand.

"You do that a lot you know."


"Make me feel good about myself." He nudged me.

"Because you deserve to feel that way." I said awkwardly, pushing my hair back.

"So do you y/n. Which is why it's getting dangerous for us to hang out all the time. What if someone sees you and hurts you to get to me?"

"I would never in a million years tell your secret Spidey."

"I know... I just. Don't want you to be disappointed with who I really am under the suit."

"Impossible. As long as you're still the same smart, kind, funny and loving boy as you are now. I can guarantee I won't be disappointed." I kissed his cheek.

"Well I should be getting home." He said quickly.

"Yeah... goodnight Spider-Man. And thank you once again for Saving the city." I smiled and hugged him tightly.

He hugged me back and then left.

The next day at school, In Physics, I sat in my seat and waited for class to start.

Halfway I'm, the teacher got called to the front office, so of course Flash had to pick on someone.

"Hey Penis Parker! How's iron man doing?" He laughed.

"Hey Flash, hows being an asshole going?" I defended the other guy.

"Great actually, thanks for asking."

"Just shut up."

"Or what, are you gonna get your spider boyfriend to hurt me?"

"What?" I sat up.

"Yeah, your picture was on the news last night, you and Spider-Man were pretty close."

I chuckled "Wow. You guys thought that was real? I photoshopped him into the picture and sent it in as a joke. You really shouldn't believe everything you see online, Flash." I scoffed. Perfectly lying.

I caught Peter Staring at me.

I looked back at him.

He caught up with me after class.

"Hey, do you actually know Spider-Man?" Peter asked me.

"No, like I said. I faked it."

He took a deep breathe.

"No you didn't."

"Uh, Yeah I did. Why would I lie about meeting Spider-Man? If I had really met him, then I would be telling everybody."

"No. You wouldn't." He smiled and gave a small laugh.

"You don't know me-"

He cut me off by kissing me. I pulled away.

"You're hot and all peter, and you're a great guy, but I kind of love someone else." I said awkwardly, as to not give away who.

"You love me? I thought you just had a minor crush on me." He smiled and got all happy.

Oh my god.

"Wait... are you..."


I sighed. "No one. I thought you were someone else..."

"Spider-Man?" He whispered. "Yeah. Kind of."

I punched his arm.

"Peter Parker. Wow. I can finally put a name to... Well everything really." I smiled.

"So... y/n, wanna grab lunch after school? I'm thinking's Delmar's."

I smiled. "Of course I do peter." O held his hand in mine.

This feels amazing.

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