Jackson Fuller//Babysitter

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"I do not need a babysitter!" Jackson yelled at his mom.

"It's not just for you, it's for Tommy and Max too. Besides, you've proven many times that you do." DJ grabbed her keys.

"Is it Karen again. Mom I hate her." He whined.

"It's not Karen, she wasn't available tonight. Now when she gets here be nice!"

He sighed and went up to his room.
This is the house. I knocked on the door firmly.

"It's always open!" I heard a voice from the inside. I opened the door and closed it behind me

"Y/n, thanks for babysitting tonight. Jackson shouldn't be too much of a problem, he'll probably stay in his room playing video games, and Max will probably be studying or something." She smiled.

"Okay. Have fun tonight, and don't worry. I have little siblings that I take care of all the time." I smiled back at her.

She's a nice woman. Her and two other women left.

The night was going peacefully, I had just laid Tommy down, and I went to go check on max.

I knocked on their door and he opened it.

"Hey Max, hows it going up here?" I asked with a smile. "Just fine. We're not plotting anything!"

I laughed. "Okay. Just don't wake up Tommy."

I walked back downstairs and saw Ramona, she goes to my school. "Hey, y/n. Are you the babysitter?"

"Yeah." I sat next to her on the couch.

We talked for a few minutes, then she went back to her room.

Half an hour later, Max came downstairs in somewhat of a panic.

"Y/n, y/n, come quick!"

I stood up and quickly followed him.

"What's wrong? Are you and Jackson okay?" I ran up the stairs. I opened his bedroom door and a bucket of red paint poured all over me. The bucket crashed to the floor, making a loud BANG!

I was speechless. I saw Jackson, who looked shocked.

"Max! You didn't tell me it was y/n! I thought it was some old lady!" He whisper yelled at Max.

I heard Tommy crying downstairs.

I turned around without a word and walked to Tommy's crib. I picked him up carefully and started rocking him back to sleep, although it was difficult trying not to get paint on him.

Tommy kept crying and Jackson and Max were at the top of the stairs. The front door opened and DJ and the others came inside.

"Y/n, what happened!?" She gasped and took Tommy.

She saw Jackson trying to sneak back to his room and called him downstairs.

"Jackson, apologize to y/n right now!"

"I-it's okay Mrs. Fuller. They were just messing around. I'm fine. No harm, no foul." I assured her.

"Yes harm. Yes foul. You are covered in red paint, go up and take a shower and clean up, I'll be up with some clothes in a minute sweetheart. Right after I'm done grounding my son." She glared at Jackson.

I nodded and Stephanie helped me upstairs.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I nodded. "I'm fine. I didn't think Jackson would ever do something like that."

"You two know each other?"

"Yeah. We go to school together. We worked on a history project a couple weeks ago." I had the faintest smile on my face.

She was silent for a moment. "So you guys are friends?"

"I kind of thought we could be more... but I guess not."

She nodded. "Okay. Well take a shower and get cleaned up. Then you can come downstairs and we can take you home."

"Thank you." She left and I took a shower. DJ still hasn't brought me clothes so I wrapped the towel around myself and peeked out.

"DJ?" I called out. I didn't get a response, so I quickly walked to ramona's room.

"I am so sorry for bathing in but DJ didn't bring me any clothes, can I borrow some of yours?"

"Yeah of course." She gave me some clothes and left the room while I changed. It was just a simple black camisole and leggings.

I walked downstairs and it got silent. Jackson was standing up while DJ, Max, Stephanie, and Ramona day on the couch and chairs.

Jackson looked up at me and stared at the floor beneath him.

He met me halfway up the stairs.

"Listen... uh." He looked back at his family. He sighed and grabbed my hand, leading me up to his room.

"Jackson, what-"

"I'm sorry. I honestly didn't know you were the babysitter. If I did then I would never have dumped red paint on you. But- but red really is your color." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I forgive you, Jackson." I crossed my arms.

"Wh- you do?"



"Because my first impression of you was that you were a cute, nice guy who would do anything for his friends. First impressions really do matter. People make mistakes. We're human. I hope you can remember that when I do something you don't like."

"I like everything you do- wait did you say cute?"

I uncrossed my arms "yeah."

"Hmm..." he looked me up and down.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" He acted like he didn't know what I was talking about.

"Like you want to kiss me..." my eyes flickered down to his lips a couple times.

"So what if I do?" He maintained eye contact.

"Then don't make me wait." I whispered before connecting our lips and running my hands through his hair.

The door opened and we pulled apart quickly.

"Y/n, are you ready to- oh!" DJ gasped.

"Uh. Yeah. Yeah, let's go. Sorry." I looked back at Jackson awkwardly before leaving the room.

I was red from embarrassment, everyone could tell what had just happened, well except max maybe.

"Did you guys kiss?" Ramona asked me.

I tried suppressing a smile and nodded.

She hugged me. "That's amazing!"

"I can't believe he likes me back." I whispered happily. "I flirted with him so much during our project, and he'd flirt back a little, but I just thought he was being friendly." I smiled. He came downstairs and noticed I was still here.

"Y/n, do you wanna get some dinner tomorrow?"

"How about lunch? I don't think I could wait until dinner." I smiled and he copied with a nod.

"It's a date."

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