Reggie// Stand Tall

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Our plan was set in motion. The boys are currently at the Orpheum sabotaging the opening band for tonight.

"I really hope this works. I can't lose Reggie to that demon!" I over exaggerated a bit.

"Reggie? Don't forget about Luke and Alex, and our band?"

"Yeah I know. I'm obviously sad about that, but it's different and you know it. It's like you with Luke."

"There is no me and Luke"

"Only because they might be leaving tonight."

"They're totally leaving tonight."

"but In the best way. They're going to crossover Jules. Something they should've done 25 years ago."

"So you're telling me that you're not the least bit sad about this?"

"I am, Julie. You know I am. I love Reggie. I love the boys, the band. But we all knew it was going to end eventually. And I'd rather it not end in them playing for Caleb for all of eternity."

"I know. I know. I just- what if when they leave I fall into a depression again?"

"I'll help you out of it. Flynn too."

"But-" the boys flashed back in, hyped up.

"You should be getting a call any second!"

It didn't ring.

"Nnnnnnnnow!" Alex pointed. It rang and Julie picked up, all of us excited.

We all jumped around while Julie was on the phone.

"We're playing the orpheum!" She screamed happily.

I ran over to Reggie. We were all singing a little victory song so we could hug.

I hugged Reggie right before he faded away.

"I'm so excited. We have to tell dad! We have to get ready!" I freaked and ran out the door and to my room.

I put on an outfit that I knew would match reggies signature flannel.

Once I got finished I went to see Reggie in the studio.

"Hey Reg, can I talk to you for a minute before we leave?"

"Yeah, I'm all ears." He smiled and led me to a private spot.

"I just wanted to say that no matter what happens tonight, I'm proud of you. Hopefully we'll see each other on the other side."

He smiled sweetly at me, like he always does.

"I wish I could feel you." He whispered.

That one sentence made my knees weak. My eyes started watering, knowing I can't tell him the truth.

"I'll see you later. Be on time!" I walked out and wiped my tears before getting in the car.

"Finally. Let's go!" Carlos demanded.

We drove to the orpheum and went backstage.

"I can't believe this is happening." I looked around.

"I can't wait for Reggie to see this, he's gonna have a field day." I laughed.

"Luke is literally gonna eat all the food."

"Alex would totally take the care basket with the face masks and bath bombs." We laughed together.

When it came time to perform, Julie ran out.

I waited around for the boys.

"Please show up, guys. We need you." I begged.

Julie came back out and we went on stage.

Julie started singing while I played guitar and sang backup.

At the end of the chorus (I think) Alex flashed in with his drums. The biggest smile appeared on my face.

Reggie came next.

Luke was in and out for a minute but came in and absolutely killed his part.

We completely bodied the song in the best way possible.

Alex had his solo, then Reggie had his.

I bounced over to Reggie and shared the microphone with him.

We were so close, the tension was thick, and we were sweaty.

Our song ended and the boys disappeared.

After we went home, Carlos mentioned something about ghosts, causing Julie and I to look at each other.

Julie and I went into the studio one last time before going to bed.

"Reggie, I know you can't hear me and it's too late, but I love you so much. I wish we could've said goodbye."

"Did she just say love?" We heard a groan.

Julie turned on the lights.

"We thought you guys crossed over!" She went over to them.

"Apparently playing the orpheum wasn't our unfinished business."

"No, there has to be another way. You- you have to go to Caleb, I know it sucks but it's better than you guys disappearing forever." I begged as I unknowingly held reggies hand.

"I love you too, y/n. It was perfect being in a band with you." His finger rubbed my hand, catching me off guard.

"Reggie were touching." I looked up at him and hugged him, before pulling away and kissing him.

Luke seemed shocked.

"Oh I totally knew." Alex smiled.

Julie and Luke had their moment, then we all grouphugged, causing their marks to lift.

I didn't want to let go of Reggie, but I didn't want Alex to feel left out so I hugged him separately too.

"You're so warm."

"Thank you." I chuckled.

"Does this mean we're here for good?" Luke asked

"Maybe?" Julie answered.

"Y/n will you be my lifer girlfriend?"

I laughed again. "Yes Reggie, I will."

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