Noah Schnapp//7 Minutes

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"I'm so exhausted!" I plopped down into Noah's bed in his trailer.

He chuckled as he played his video games. "It sucks that we barely have any scenes together this season, but at least we still film at the same time."

"Yeah. How are you not tired, we've been doing this since 6 AM."

"Energy drinks. You can have one out of my fridge if you want." He killed a zombie in his game.

"No thanks. Mind if I take a nap?"

"Go for it. You need all the beauty sleep you can get." He joked.

I smiled and hit him with a pillow. "Get off your game. I get sleep with you killing zombies right next to me." I smiled as he turned off his game and walked over to me, crawling into his bed next to me.

"Is this better, your majesty?"

I laughed. "Thank you."

He put his arm around me and I scooted closer to him.

We soon both fell asleep. Noah has been my best friend since day one of filming season 1. Out of everyone, I'm the only person he lets sleep in his trailer. I don't know why, probably because he knows I can't sleep in cold rooms, and the heat in my trailer is broken, so he lets me sleep in his.

"Y/n, are you coming?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, give me a second. I lost my phone."

"I'll help you look for it."

We both looked for my phone everywhere in his trailer.

When I turned around, he was right in front of me.

His eyes were flashing from mine to my lips.

"Noah-" I was cut off by him kissing me, and me liking it?


"Noah." I mumbled.

"Y/n. Wake up." Noah shook my slightly. I opened my eyes. "You were saying my name in my sleep. Were you dreaming about me?" He smiled.

"What? Uh. No. Why would I dream about you? That's weird. Haha" I nervously laughed. "Oh look, it's already 7:30, were late for the cast party at Finn's." I stood up and rushed out of his trailer.

I changed into a stranger things hoodie and jean shorts.

I texted Noah that I was going to wait for him at my car so I could drive us there. He didn't reply.

I sat in my car for about ten minutes watching Noah's YouTube videos.

Has he always been this cute and I just haven't noticed it?

The passenger door opened and I quickly turned my phone off.

"Ready?" I asked and turned the car on.

"Yeah. I texted Sadie and told her we'd be there soon."

"Oh. You texted Sadie. Okay." I got jealous. Why am I jealous??

"Yeah..." he was confused. So was I! Why do I suddenly care that he is texting Sadie?

"So uh. Who all is going to be here?" I asked.

"All the main characters except David, Joe, Winona, Charlie, and Natalia."

"So the ones our age?"


I nodded my head.

We arrived at Finn's house soon after that, and went in. We were greeted by Sadie, who hugged Noah and then me. Why'd she hug Noah first?

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