MG//Football Field

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Sitting in the car with a middle aged white man and a teenage girl who I have never met before was definitely not how I expected my day to go. But that wasn't even the worst part of it. I had just killed someone. Their blood was still on my old, dirty clothes and my hands and face.

I'm not a psychopath. It was an accident, It was self defense.

We soon pulled up to a large building. The man said that it was a school for kids like me, but he hasn't told me why I was able to kill that guy with my mind.

"Hope, can you help her out of the car?"

The girl, Hope, opened my door for me as I stepped out.

"We should get her in before everyone wakes up."

I hadn't said a word to either of them yet apart from 'he came at me, I didn't mean to.'

Hope brought me inside and pointed me to a room and gave me some fresh clothes for today.

After an hour of sitting in the shower cleaning and crying, I finally got out and put on some clothes.

I left the room and started wandering around.

I saw a very cute and dorky boy. He probably knows where Hope is.

I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"H-hi. I'm sorry to bother you. But I just got here. Do you know where Hope is? Or possibly a middle aged man who kind of resembles Indiana Jones?"

He chuckled. "Dr.Saltzman. Yeah follow me." I walked with the boy and he started a conversation. "So what are you?"

"Um... what are my options?"

"Oh so you really have no clue about any of this, do you?"

I shook my head.

"Okay. So that blonde girl over there, her name is Lizzie. She's the love of my life, and a witch."

"Witches aren't real."

"They are.  Look" he pointed over to a group of girls doing some magic and making a smoothie float.

"Then there's werewolves, like Rafael." I saw another boy with yellow eyes. "Next to him is Landon, he's a Phoenix. But he's the only one of his kind that we know of."

I started feeling slightly anxious.

"And that Brings us to me. I'm a vampire. But don't worry. I don't suck people's blood. We all drink animal blood here." He explained.

I looked up at him and he was smiling. Which made me calm down by 85%.

"I haven't drank blood. Or turned into a Wolf, so I think I'm a witch?"

"We also have a fairy. But again, only one."

"Is everyone here as nice as you?"

"No, but there are a few. This is your stop."

"O-okay. Thank you."

I walked into the door, the boy right behind me.

"Wait, Uh. Can you stay?" I asked.

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