Percy Jackson//Daughter of Aphrodite

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The five of us were walking downtown trying to get where we needed to be, I needed to talk to percy so I walked beside him.

"Perce, why won't you just listen to me?"

I kept getting the silent treatment. I've been getting this since the tournament.

"Percy Jackson why the hell are you ignoring me!?" I punched his arm and he quickly grabbed my wrist.

"Y/n I said stop. Now the only reason you're on this mission is because you're the daughter of Aphrodite and you persuaded Grover into cloaking you until we got far enough."

"I didn't have to persuade him. He invited me!"

"Well he shouldn't have. The only thing that you're good for is your looks."

He turned around and kept walking and I started to tear up.

Next thing I know I was getting snatched and taken to an alley by Luke an his guys. They're bringing Grover too?

They transported us and put us in two cells.

"Hey, Percy definitely didn't mean what he said back there. I know for a fact." He sat next to me by the divider.

"Do you know how hard I had to try in school? Hell even at camp. Trying to prove to everybody that I'm more than my looks. And Percy Jackson of all people tells me that's all I'm worth. Percy fucking Jackson, Grover!" I snapped.

"Hey hey, you're getting a little hot headed. Maybe try calming down for a bit."

"Not to mention we just got captured by Luke, son of Hermès. The same guy who stole the lightning bolt and tried to pin it on Percy. They need you to find the fleece but what do they need me for?"

"Maybe he just has a crush on you?"

"I hope not. That's just be another thing Percy has that he doesn't." My eyes widened, hoping he didn't catch that.

"Ohhhhh. That's why you're so upset about this whole Percy situation. You loveeeeee him."

"You can't say anything Grover. I'm serious. You see how he acts towards me."

"But you don't know what he says and how he acts when he's not around you. He constantly talks about how beautiful and smart and brave you are. That's how I know he doesn't actually mean what he said."

"I'll believe it when he says it to my face."

"Percy? Annabeth? Tyson? What are you guys doing here? How did you get here?" I asked quietly.

"We'll tell you later. Where's Grover?"

"They took him ahead a while ago. I didn't think you guys were gonna come."

"Percy made it-"

"We don't have time. Come on." Percy interrupted and turned to leave.

We all followed and made our big escape to get off the boat. We fought off some guys and I may even have saved Percy's life :)

Halfway through the boat ride I saw Annabeth nudge Percy.

After a couple seconds Percy slid over to sit next to me.

"Thank you for saving my life back there. And I'm sorry for what I said before. You are so much more than your looks and I'm sorry I said otherwise."

"Why have you been ignoring me Percy?"

"Clarice told me-"

"Guys we have a problem." Annabeth interrupted. We looked around and saw shark fins.

Except they kept getting bigger and we kept sinking lower.

"Everybody hang on!" Percy yelled and we all hung to the side.

When we were digesting, we saw Clarice and her boat.

We got on board.

"Clarice what the fuck did you tell him?" I pointed to Percy.

"I told him the truth. You're nothing but a beauty queen. You will never be as smart, or as brave as Athena. Your worth is skin deep." She nodded.

I punched her in the face as hard as I could before walking and going into the steering room to cry. After a few minutes and me wiping my eyes, Percy ran in quickly and shut the door.

"What's happening?"

"We're getting out of here. Hold on to something."

I immediately held his hand for comfort and he looked at me before going back to what he was doing.

He was having trouble steering so I let go of his hand and we both used our hands to control the wheel. The glass started cracking and we made it out, but we will make it to the surface?

The glass was almost completely cracked and I let go of the wheel and quickly kissed Percy for a minute.

When the ship broke the surface, it forced us apart.

We both just kind of stood there for a moment string at each other before the others opened the door cheering.

"What happened in here?" Annabeth smiled.

I turned, looked at her and walked out, grabbing her hand and leading her away.

"I kissed him. I kissed Percy."

"Oh my god really? How'd it go?"

"I don't know. Neither of us said anything after. I have no idea what to do. Do I blame it on the fear of dying? Do I tell him how I feel. What do I do Annabeth?" I grabbed her arms.

"For the daughter of the goddess of love you sure are clueless about love."

"He's the first boy I've met who doesn't pine over me. I want him to want me so bad, AB."

"Ew. Anyway, now that we have this longgggggg ride ahead of us. You guys have time to talk." She smiled and waved Percy over.

He sat down next to me.

"What's up?"

"You guys can talk about your kiss. Just give me a second to leave." She got up and left us alone.

"You told her." He nodded. "That's good right?"

"I don't know. I'm scared how you'll react wherever I tell the truth or lie."

"Don't lie to me. Please."

I nodded. "You, Percy Jackson, are the one guy that doesn't want me. And it sucks, because you are the one guy that I want." I played with my thumbs nervously.

"Babygirl who told you I didn't want you?" He asked with a smooth voice. He leaned forward and connect our lips, gently placing his right hand on the back of my neck.

"This trip could get interesting." I smiled.

"Could? I think it already has."

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