Caleb Finn//Annoying

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I knew the second I saw Caleb I liked him. But he was always an asshole. I'm usually a smiley and optimistic person and brush it off but there are other times when I know what he's saying is true.

It was game night with Caleb, Aviva, Liam and I. We basically forced Caleb into playing with us.

We were playing uno and I had the BEST hand ever.

I smiled, placing down 3 skips to make it my turn again, played a draw 2, which everyone else also put a draw 2 until it got back to me and I played the final one on Caleb. Which skipped his turn and aviva played a skip on Liam, causing me to skip Finn again and call uno. Which made me and aviva laugh, but Caleb seemed annoyed, which was a large part of the appeal.

Seeing Caleb annoyed or angry turns me on, so I purposely fuck with him.

One time I kept hiding his phone so he would get annoyed. Then when I went to get it to give it back to him, he snatched it from me and cursed me out. All I could do was smile, which he found even more infuriating.

Aviva then made Liam draw four and changed the color to red. It didn't matter though because I also had a draw 4 and went out.

"This is bullshit. You guys clearly teamed up." Caleb said about Aviva and I.

"We did not. You're just jealous because I won and you lost." I teased.

"You cheated."

"You're the one who dealt the cards, pretty boy."

"How many times do I have to tell you I hate that nickname?" He asked annoyed.

Aviva looked at both of us and stood up.

"It was good playing with you guys. But I have to go home now. Liam?" She spoke.

Liam stood up and said goodbye as well.

I walked them to the door and aviva gave me a look. I smirked and raised my eyebrows, knowing Caleb and I were about to get into a petty argument.

"Great job y/n. They left because of you."

"They left because you started yelling over a card game. Like a sore loser." I crossed my arms.

"I wasn't yelling. You wanna hear yelling? FUCK YOU!" He yelled from across the room. "YOU ALWAYS START SHIT AND IM SICK OF IT! IM SICK OF YOU! YOU ARE ALWAYS SO FUCKING ANNOYING AND ITS A MIRACLE YOU EVEN HAVE FRIENDS!" He yelled some more.

Maybe I went too far this time.

"Caleb, I'm sor-"

"No! you're not sorry, y/n. You're never sorry. If you were actually sorry you'd leave me the fuck alone and stop being so god damn annoying!"

He stormed off to his room and tears pooled in my eyes while I covered my mouth, trying to be silent. I picked up the uno cards and put them back in the pack, putting them on the shelf where they belong.

I went to my room, across from Caleb's and laid in bed. I got a text.

Aviva: how'd it go? If I don't get a response I'll assume to two are finally doing it.

Me: I really pissed him off V. I feel so bad.

Aviva: omg what happened?

Me: I said he was yelling over a card game and he said he wasn't yelling and that he would show me what yelling looks like. And he went on to call me annoying, which I know I annoy him but I thought it was in a hot way. Not an actual annoying way. And he said it was a miracle I even had friends.

Aviva: holy shit I'm so sorry.

Me:it's okay. I tried apologizing but he wouldn't let me. I really fucked up V.

Aviva: go talk to him. He's probably calmed down by now.

Me: okay. I'll update you after.

I set my phone down and got up to knock on his door.

He opened it and stood there waiting.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for always annoying you. I do it on purpose and i didn't realize you were actually annoyed."

"What the fuck did you think I was? I think it's pretty fuckin clear."

"I thought you were annoyed but in a hot way. It's stupid looking back at it now and I'm really sorry. I'll stop."

"In a hot way?" His tone softened a bit.

"Um... yeah. Like in a teasing way..." I fiddled with my fingers and looked down at the floor. "Like I said. It was stupid."

"So you thought you could tease me and what exactly? That we'd fuck around? Are you serious?"

"You don't have to make me feel bad about having a crush on you, asshole. I already feel bad enough." I started walking back to my room when he grabbed my wrist lightly. "Isn't me being an asshole part of the appeal?" He looked me up and down while biting his bottom lip lightly.

My lips slightly parted and I jumped forward, grabbed the sides of his shirt and kissed him roughly. He shut his door behind me and we fell onto his bed. I hovered over him, not breaking our kiss.

I took my shirt off and he quickly pulled away.

"Normally I would be all for this, but I want to do this the right way with you." His thumbs rubbed my outer thighs.

"Okay." I smiled "but I'm ready when you are." I kissed him and put my shirt back on.

We laid next to each other and slowly fell asleep.

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