Draco Malfoy//Bad Idea

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"Weasley!" Malfoy called for me angrily.

"What Malfoy?" I crossed my arms.

"I know you're the one who put salt in my dessert."

"It wasn't me but it was hilarious." I smirked.

"I'm gonna make you pay! Just you wait."

"Oh baby, I'm gonna be waiting for a long time." I looked him up and down.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "Don't call me that."

"You don't like being called Baby? Doesn't it just make you feel tingly inside." I inched closer.

"That's besides the point. It's on."

I pressed myself again him slightly. "It seems like something is definitely on." I smirked before backing away.

"I'll see you in the morning, Malfoy." I winked at him and went up to my room. We're both in Slytherin if you couldn't tell.

"Y/n! What was that?" Pansy asked.

"Oh shut it, you have been trying for years and failing, we aren't friends so there's no girl code. I'm going for Malfoy."

"You blimey-"

"Bed time girls. Now shut up. Both of you." Another girl spoke.

I didn't say anything else and neither did pansy.

The next morning, Malfoy and I kept giving each other looks at breakfast.

Not mean looks, lustful looks.

Throughout the day we would only see each other in the halls. Until potions class.

In the middle of class, Draco started having a freak out.

He seemed to be swatting at something that wasn't there.

"Draco, there's nothing there." I told him as I grabbed his wrists to keep him from hitting everything around him.

He looked at me with such anger.

"Stay the hell away from me."


He walked out of class angrily.

"Sorry Moody but I'm going after him."

"Very well." He waved me off and I ran after Draco.

"Draco what happened? What did you see?"

"As if you don't already know. How stupid of me to try to win a prank war against a Weasley." He spat.

"I put the salt In Your dessert yesterday but I promise you I didn't do whatever this is."

I looked him in the eyes.

"I'm choosing to believe you based solely on the fact that you are the most honest person at this school."

"Thank you. Can we get back to class now?"

"Not quite."

"Why not?" I asked worried that he didn't forgive me.

He stepped closer to me, leaving only a couple inches.

"You look... ravishing." He whispered in my ear. I got butterflies in my stomach, one hand landed on my waist, and the other landed on my ass, lightly grabbing.

I pushed myself closer to him, wrapping my hands around his neck.

He started to lean in and I followed his lead. Then he pulled away.

"Because you thought it would be funny to tease me yesterday. It's your turn."

He let go of me and backed off.

My heart rate was picking up and I was starting to panic. I had almost just kissed Draco, he would've told everyone and bullied me for it.

Along with my heart rate, my breathing had also picked up.

I started shaking my hands, which is what I do to try to flick the anxiety away.

I turned around and walked to the nearest bathroom, knowing he can't follow me.

I stood in front of the mirror and watched myself unfold. I almost kissed Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. I wanted him to pick me up and slam me against the wall while we make out. I thought that was going to happen.

"Y/n, are you okay? What happened?" Ginny came in and over to me.

I stayed silent for a moment, trying to regain my composure.

"Draco almost kissed me. And I really wanted it."

"Malfoy? I thought him and pansy had a thing."

"That's what she tells everybody." I rolled my eyes.

"You like Draco?"

"I don't know if I like him but I want to make out with him."

"Go up to him and kiss him."

"I know I'm a bad ass slytherin. But he has to know somethings up by now."

"Boys are stupid. I doubt it."

Boys are stupid.

"Okay." I took a deep breath before hugging her and going to find malfoy.

I saw him in the common room talking to pansy and laughing.

I confidently (while freaking out on the inside) walked over and inserted myself into their conversation.

"Sorry am I interrupting something?" I asked.

"Yes, Draco and I were just talking about going to Hogsmeade tomorrow."

"Okay."  I nodded and placed my hands on Draco face, pulling his lips onto mine. Pansy grunted and stormed away.

"This teasing thing is going a bit far isn't it, love?"

"Draco, I want you to pick me up and-"

"I'm two steps ahead of you baby girl." He picked me up and gently put my back against the wall.

"Don't hold back." I whispered as he sucked on my neck creating a hickey.

Thankfully nobody was in the common room anymore, so we were alone.

I gave him some hickey's before we went back to making out.

"Draco." I moaned.

"Yes darling?"

I hopped down and stood by myself. "That's for teasing me." I gave a small smile.


"Yeah sorry." I turned around but stopped, quickly turning back to him with a smile on my face.

"I'm just kidding." I jumped up into his arms and knocked us to the floor with me on top, both of us laughing.

That was it. Hearing his laugh is what officially made me fall for him.

"Your laugh is perfect. I can't wait to hear it again." I smiled down at him and but my lip.

I kissed him once more before people started coming in.

We got off the floor but it was no use. People already saw. It was only a matter of time before my brothers found out.

"So." He said with a straight face.

"I look forward to what tomorrow is going to look like." I winked at him before kissing him on the jawline and going up to my room.

God he is so hot. Maybe I should sneak out later and see him again.

Bad idea. Bad idea. Well...

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