David Dobrik//Prank

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"David!" I yelled throughout the house. Where the hell is he?

I knocked on his door and didn't get an answer, so I cracked the door open and saw him sleeping next to Natalie.

I sighed and quietly shut the door. I walked back into the kitchen and made some cereal. Cinnamon Toast Crunch all the wayyyy.

After a few minutes I saw David walk in.

"Morning." He grabbed himself a bowl.

"Morning." I mumbled. I looked up at him and noticed a hickey on his neck.

"Sorry I wasn't in our room this morning. Natalie and I were up late exiting and I guess I fell asleep in there."

"It's okay babe, I have no reason not to trust you, right?"

"Of course." He grabbed the milk from the fridge.

I wanted to cry, but i forced myself not to.

Natalie walked in and stayed quiet. She grabbed a water bottle.

"Morning y/n." She smiled. I noticed a hickey on her neck too.

"Wow. Who'd you get that from?" I asked her.


"The hickey."

"I'm gonna go get in the shower. Okay babe?" He kissed my forehead and left. I put my bowl up.

"Probably just a bruise or something." She clearly lied.

"Yeah. Probably." I gave her a small smile.

I went to my room and into my personal bathroom.

I closed the door and sat in the floor. I began crying finally and silently.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and I ignored it.

After a few seconds my bathroom door opened and revealed Zane.

"Baby girl why is you crying in the bathroom?" He sat next to me.

"David is cheating on me with Natalie." I cried. "Why am I never good enough? Todd cheated on me with Corinna. And now David's cheating on me with Natalie. Why am I always the one who gets hurt?" I cried harder into his chest.

David rounded the corner and Zane got up.

"Baby, baby, it's a prank. It's all makeup!" He rubbed off his hickey. I continued crying. "Oh my god I'm sorry, I thought you were gonna get mad and it's be good content." He explained.

I didn't say anything, instead I just let him hold me while I tried to stop crying.

He wiped away my tears and hugged me.

"I-it's just a prank?" I wiped away some tears.

"Yeah. It's just a prank I promise." He kissed my forehead.

"I better be the thumbnail." I gave him a weak smile.

"Of course baby. I'm sorry."

"I forgive you."

"And you are good enough. You're better than good enough for me y/n. What Todd did was an asshole thing but I want to be with you forever. I love you. I promise."

I nodded and kissed him. "I love you too."

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