Ricky Bowen//Apendix 

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"Thanks for letting me borrow your jacket, Ricky." I smiled.

"No problem. You were shivering like a little purse dog." He chuckled a bit, which sent chills down my spine.

"Yeah. I have anemia so I'm pretty much always cold."

"Do you take iron pills?" He took a drink from his water bottle.

"Yeah. That's the only way I can have the energy to perform. I ran out last night but I should be fine." I shrugged and tightened my ponytail.

Miss Jen came into the room and told us to get in our places.

I took my spot next to Gina and EJ. We started our routine and everything went well. I especially loved the part where Ricky spins and dips me. I admit, I do get sort of lightheaded every time, but that's just showbiz. There is no room for iron deficiencies.

However, my vision did get a little blurry and I missed my spot and bumped into Ricky, he caught me before I could fall.

"Miss Jen, Nate we should take a break." Nini spoke up.

"You guys are almost there. Just one more time." She smiled.

I took a sip of water and got into place. I saw Ricky glance at me and I nodded, letting him know I was okay.

We started our dance and it was going somewhat smoothly I think. However, when it came to the spin and dip, I passed out and went limp in Ricky's arms. He carefully laid me down on the floor.

Everyone began crowding around me, and my eyes slowly opened.

"Give her some space!" Carlos spoke up and everyone but Ricky and Miss Jen backed up.

I sat up and looked into ricky's eyes. Are you sure I'm not in a movie? Cause this feels like the scene where the two main characters fall in love...

"Did I pass out?" I broke the silence.

"Yeah, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Luckily I had you to catch me." I smiled.

Nini and Gina rolled their eyes at my cliche. We're they jealous?

Ricky grabbed my hands and helped me up, Carlos quickly grabbed me a chair to sit in.

"Thank you." I gave him a light smile.

"Do you need something to eat or drink?" EJ asked.

I heard Nini scoff, and I looked at her.

"Uh, no. I'm okay. Thanks." I stood up, and my vision got black for a moment. I grabbed into ricky's shoulder to keep myself from falling.

"Are you sure? I have some almonds in my bag if that helps?" Red offered. I call him red because he has ginger hair.

I nodded. "Thank you."

"Seriously?" Nini said aloud.

"Yeah. I always have almonds-"

"Not you. She's clearly doing this to get attention from all the guys."

My lips parted slightly in shock.


"No, I know you like Ricky, it's so obvious. Everyone here knows it. You're just doing all of this so he'll be at your side."

"It's a real medical condition, Nini. I'm not-"

"Then why join the play if you know you pass out easily? Huh?" She interrupted

"Nini! What's the matter with you?" Ricky defended me.

"Me? She's the one who's faking!" She pointed you me.

I angrily stood up. "I'm not faking any-" I got a sudden sharp pain in my side, making me double over.

Ricky's hand was soon on my back, and Carlos was on the phone with 911.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"I don't know. This has never happened before." Tears escaped my eyes. This is the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my life.

Nini just stood there in shock staring at me. "I-I'm Sorry, I thought-"

I Interrupted her with a small groan of pain.

"Ricky, it hurts." I looked at him through extremely blurry eyes from my tears.

"I know, I know, an ambulance is on its way." He assured me.

I quickly passed out once again.

When I woke up, I was in the hospital.

I was in a bit of pain, but not as much as before.

I called Ricky's number, and a phone rang inside the room. I looked over and saw his backpack and phone.

The bathroom door in my room opened and he looked up at me.

"Oh my god, how are you feeling?" He rushed over to me.

"A little pain, but okay. What happened?"

"Your appendix burst. They had to do surgery and take it out." He sighed.

"But the play-"

"You're still in. You'll still be at all the rehearsals, you just can't dance for a couple weeks. But as soon as you're cleared, I'll teach you and help you practice." He smiled 

He. Is. So. Damn. Cute. Ugh!

"Thank you."

"It's nothing. You helped me practice for the audition, and the dancing, and you were my date to homecoming to make Nini jealous."

My smile fell. "Yeah. Right."

He looked confused. "Why the sudden change in mood?"

"I don't know. Why don't you go ask Nini."

He laughed. "You so like me." He smiled and crossed his arms.

"Me? Like you? Ha! That's hilarious. Are you sure you didn't hit your head during practice?"

He pushed his lips against mine and smiled into it.

"How about now?" He asked.

"You like me too?"

"Yeah. I used Nini as an excuse to go to homecoming with you. It worked." He smiled.

I nodded. "Does she still think I faked all of this for attention?"

"No. She feels bad."

"Tell her it's okay. I get that she's just jealous I have the best boyfriend ever." I smiled.

"Boyfriend huh? I don't remember agreeing to this."

"That's because you didn't. What I say goes, Bowen. That's the rules." I joked. He smiled and nodded.

"Right. You're a dork."

"You would be correct." I laughed.

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