Stiles Stilinski// Original

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"Stiles, baby wake up." I whispered in my boyfriends ear.

He hummed in response.

"It's 8, we're going to be late for school if we don't get up."

"Ten more minutes."

"Or we could spend that ten minutes doing something else."

His eyes immediately opened and he turned to me with a smile.


"Not exactly. If we leave in the next ten minutes I'll give you road head on the way to school." I offered.

He scrambled out of bed and got dressed within three minutes and down to his jeep. I laughed as I put my shoes on and grabbed my backpack.

"8 minutes baby!" He got excited.

"I'm a woman of my word," I laughed. "But if you start swerving again in stopping." I put my hair up in a low ponytail.

When we arrived at school, five minutes early, I took my hair down and we got out of the jeep. I popped a stick of spearmint gum in my mouth right before stiles kissed me.

"I'll be returning the favor tonight, trust me." He whispered before Scott walked up to us and we all went to class.

I know who is and who isn't a werewolf. And they all know I'm a vampire. But they don't know I'm an original vampire. I'm the 11 months younger sister of Rebekah Mikaelson. Anytime someone finds out I'm an original, they instantly fear what I'm capable of. Which is why I can't let stiles know. I'm so in love with him and I know he loves me, he sleep talks, but does he love me enough to stick with me?

In between third and fourth period, I got a call from my sister.

"No, they don't know." I responded to her question.

"Of course not. When are you going to stop being ashamed of who you are and own up to your abilities."

"Why can't you just respect that I want a semi normal life! I hate being an original. It's so lonely. Watching everyone you care about die."

"Oh, so you don't care-"

"Y/n?" I heard Scott from behind me. I hung up on Rebekah.

"Scott. Please tell me you didn't hear that."

"You're an original vampire... you're a stone cold murderer."

"I've only killed in self defense, I'm not like my family!"

"I... I have to tell stiles."

"Scott please-" I begged.

"He has to know y/n. Before something bad happens."

"Nothing bad is gonna happen!"

He ran off and I ran after him. When I caught up, there were people around so I couldn't speed, he was talking to stiles.

I overheard them.

"Y/n is an original vampire. A mikaelson. I heard her over the phone with her sister. Stiles, she's a psycho murderer."

"What? No way." Stiles laughed.

"I'm serious dude. She... she even tried to compel me. She's probably compelled you."

What? He's lying now.

Stiles looked directly at me with watery eyes.

He came over to me and drug me into the empty music room.

"Is it true?" He sounded angry.

"I am an original but I never-"

"Never what? Compelled me? Bit me? How would I know if that's true? How would I know if any of this relationship is true!?"

"Y-you don't think this is real?" My voice broke.

"Fuck it feels real, but isn't that the point of compulsion?"

"I don't know how to prove it to you, stiles. If you don't think we're right together then I don't know what to say." I crossed my arms anxiously.

He stayed silent, thinking.

"That's- that's just perfect." I burst into tears and sped to my house.

I cried my eyes out and started packing.

After about an hour I screamed into my pillow, followed by a call from Lydia.

"Tell me he's lying y/n."

"Lydia I don't want to do this with you too, please just let me leave-"

"I'm not mad or scared or anything like that. You're going through a heartbreak and I want to help you."

"I'm at home. I'm packing right now to leave."

"You're leaving?"

"I don't want them to hurt me. I can't stay. If Scott or anyone in the pack bites me, I'm not permanently dead but I still go through the phases."

"They wouldn't do that-"

"Scott lied to stiles about me trying to compel him. I've never compelled any of my friends, especially not stiles. What we have- had was the most genuine love I've felt in centuries, Lydia. I love him so much."

I heard shallow breathing on the other end.

"Lydia? Are you okay? Lydia."

After a few more seconds, she spoke again.

"Meet me in the woods by your house tonight at 8. It's important."

"Lydia what was that?"

She hung up.

The only reason I stayed was to make sure she was okay.

At 8 I went into the woods to look for Lydia.

"Lydia! Are you okay? Where are you!?"

I heard leaves crunch behind me and I turned around quickly. Stiles.

I looked around for Scott, were the planning to attack?

He noticed how scared I was.

"Hey hey, lydias okay. She's at home. There's nobody else here. It's just me and you."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's okay. You're okay baby."

I nodded with watery eyes and hugged him tightly.

"I promise I have never and will never hurt or compel you." I whispered.

"I know. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I know that what we have is real and, I- I love you too."

"I know. You sleep talk. But I'm glad you finally said it for real." I kissed him.

"Please stay. Nobody will hurt you. And aren't you immortal anyway."

"It's still scary. I've died so many times."

"If you still want, I can return the favor from this morning." He gave a small smile.

"I think you at least owe me that. If I can wear your hoodie." I bit my lip.

"Yes ma'am." He leaned down and kissed me Softly.

I wish I could have kids with this boy.

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