Timothée Chalamet//Written

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Whenever you turn 18, whatever your soulmate writes on their skin appears on yours. I've been waiting for my 18th birthday for so long.

"Only three more hours until your birthday. Are you excited?" My sister asked.

"Of course I'm excited! What should I say?"

"Uh, Hi?" She laughed.

"Should I tell him my name? Or should we get to know each other first? What if when he sees me for the first time he doesn't like me?"

"You guys are soulmates. He's gonna love you."

"I hope so." I sighed.

"What do you want to do until then?"

"We could go to the movies." I smiled. "I've been wanting to see Knives Out."

"Okay. My treat."

"How about you pay for tickets and I'll pay for drinks and popcorn."


We drive the local movie theater and while she was buying our tickets, I was getting the popcorn and drinks.

"Thank you." I smiled politely to the cashier and started walking back to my sister.

Halfway there, a little kid ran right into me, causing me to drop my popcorn and drinks. Surprisingly the drinks kids stayed on so there wasn't a huge mess with those, but the popcorn went everywhere.

Including onto a really good looking guy.

"S-Sorry!" I stood up and picked a couple pieces of popcorn out of his hair.

"It's okay. That kid shouldn't have been running around like that." he looked down at the cups, which were now sitting upright.

"Two drinks huh. Who's the second one for?"

"My sister Blake. She's getting our tickets."

His hand came up and I instantly flinched, causing him to chuckle. "You have popcorn in your hair."

"Sorry." I blushed and let him get it out.

"Hey Timothée, are you coming bro?" One of his friends came up to him, but stopped when he saw me.

"Who's this?"

"Oh, I'm y/n." I smiled and shook his hand.

"I have to go, enjoy your movie." He smiled at me and left.

When Blake ran up to me, she had a huge smile on her face.

"He was so cute. Please tell me you got his number."

"Shit, no I didn't."

After our movie, we went back home and I got a pen.


I waited a few minutes and after not receiving a reply, I went to sleep.

When I woke up, I forgot about my soulmate and got breakfast.

"So?" Blake day next to me.


"Your soulmate. Did you write them?"

"Oh yeah!" I check my wrist.

Hi. It's nice to finally see a message.

"He must be older than me."

How long have you been waiting?

3 years. What's your name?

I'd rather get to know each other first If that's okay.

Sure. For now I'll call you S. For soulmate.

Same here. :)
For months we've talked, well, written to each other. To say I'm falling is definitely an understatement.

Meet me at Starbucks 4pm. I want to finally see you.

My heart fluttered into oblivion. I'm finally going to meet him.

I'll be there.

I put on a pretty yellow dress and some Nike's. I decided to leave my hair down naturally. I put on some chapstick and some lip gloss, and some of my favorite perfume.

"I'm finally going to go meet him." I smiled to Blake.

"Yay! Oh my god let me know how it goes. And what he looks like. Tell me everything!"

"I will." I laughed a little bit.

I got an Uber to Starbucks around 3:30 and ordered a Pink Drink. It's my favorite drink there.

I was anxiously waiting for someone to sit in front of me. My leg was bouncing up and down. I kept glancing at the door. I also kept looking at my arm to see if anything was written.

Look at the door

I quickly looked at the door and didn't see anybody.

"Looking for someone?" I heard from behind me.

I turned around and saw the guy from the movie theater.

"H-hey." I smiled.

"Hi." He sat down across from me.

"Timothée, right?"

"Yeah. Y/n."

He remembers my name.

I suddenly got super nervous again, which he noticed.

"Are you okay? He smiled.

I nodded while pursing my lips. "Just suddenly really nervous."

"So am I. You're really beautiful."

I smiled with a blush and looked away. "Thank you. So are you. Cute, I mean."

He smiled and stared at me. "I'm glad that you're my soulmate. I really wanted to ask for your number at the movies, but my friend interrupted me."

"After you left my sister asked if I had gotten yours and I realized I should've asked but it was too late."

We hung out and talked face to face all day. We went to laser tag and bumper cars. It was so fun.

After our date, he kindly order us an Uber to my house.

"Wait here." He told the driver.

He walked me up to my doorstep.

"You didn't have to do that, you know."

"I know. I like being a gentleman." He smiled.

"Do gentlemen kiss on the first date?" I smiled back.

"Not usually, but I can make an exception for you."

He leaned in and kissed me, my hand cupped the back of his neck. When he pulled away, we were both smiling.

"I'll text you later, okay?"

"Okay. Have a safe drive home."

He kissed me one last time before going back to the car and leaving.

I went inside and saw my sister jumping up and down.

"It's popcorn boy and he kissed you!"

I smiled with her.

"His name is Timothée and he is so sweet."

"I'm already planning your guys' wedding." She joked.

"It's way too early for that, but... I do feel the connection." I smiled.

"I'm so happy for you!" She hugged me tightly before running away.

After a couple more hours and a change of clothes, I got a text.

'Wanna go on another date tomorrow? My house. I can make us dinner and we can watch a movie.'

'Sounds like a date.' I smiled.

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