Peter Parker//Dinner

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Peter POV
"All I'm saying honey is that it would be nice to have a niece in law." May stated while cleaning up the dishes. "There has to be someone that you're interested in."

Of course there have been girls I've been attracted to, but I've never really had actual crushes.

"There's nobody. Plus, between school and my Stark Internship, I don't have time for a girlfriend."

"But high school is the perfect time to have fun and go out. There has to be at least one girl."

"If I told you someone would you let go of it?"

"Maybe." She smiled and waited.

"Fine, there's this girl named y/n in my chemistry class."

May started jumping up and down.

"Invite her to dinner tomorrow. Tell her I won't take no for an answer."

"May!" I sighed. "What if she doesn't want to?"

"Tell her I insist."

I went to my room.
I walked through the school hallways, ready to go home and get out of my jeans.

"Hey, y/n." Peter Parker walked up to me.

"Hey Peter, what's up?" I asked with a smile.

"My aunt has been bugging me to bring a girl home and you're kind of the first person I thought of so I blurted out your name and now she wants me to ask you to come over for dinner tonight." He blurted out.

I chuckled at his adorable nervousness.

"Of course I'll come over for dinner. What time?"

"Really? 6. You don't have to dress fancy or anything."

"Okay. I'll see you then, Peter." I smiled and went home.

Peter was so adorable.

"Hey mom, my friends aunt invited me over to have dinner at their place. Can I?"

"Of course sweetie. Just let me know when you're leaving, and if you need a ride back."

"Okay. I'll leave around 5:45, it's only about a five to ten minute walk from here."


I went to my room and took a shower, then I lightly curled my hair and put on a cute dress with some sneakers.

I grabbed some of my lip gloss and applied it to my lips. I stuck it in the pocket of my dress. I love dresses with pockets. So cute.

I told my mom I was leaving and I texted Peter to let him know I was on the way. Once I got there, I reapplied my lip gloss and knocked on the door.

There was no answer for a moment, until Peter quickly opened the door.

His lips slightly parted as he looked at me.

"You look beautiful. Come in"

"Thank you. You look nice too. Did you gel your hair?"

"Oh. Yeah. May said I should."

I walked in and stood until May told me I could sit down. I sat next to Peter, even though there was another seat.

"So, y/n, how did you and peter meet?"

"May!" He mumbled.

I smiled. "Pete and I met in chemistry this year. We've worked on a couple projects together in class."

They both noticed the nickname I gave him, and he interrupted.

"Y/n is the smartest person in school."

"I doubt that. You're a literal genius, Peter. You have an internship with Tony Stark. That has to be fun."

"Yeah, it is. I love Mr. Stark."

After having a nice conversation with him and his aunt, and after eating dinner, she told us to go hang out in his room and she would clean up. I tried helping but she insisted.

I noticed peter closed the door behind him.

"I'm sorry about all this."

"It's okay, Peter. I really like your aunt. She's nice." I smiled.

"Yeah. Thank you for doing this. I know you'd much rather be at home drawing or something."

"How do you know I draw?"

"I see you during class doodling in your notebook all the time."

I blushed. If only he knew that I was drawing him. I've liked Peter since the beginning of the year.

"D-do you see what I draw?" I asked.

"No. I only notice how happy you look while doing it."

I bit my lip and nodded my head.

"I'm gonna go check on May real quick."

"Okay." I smiled and sat on his bed. I put on some more lip gloss, since mine wore off while eating.

I took a look around his room. I saw all the Star Wars stuff and all of his books and a lego model of the Death Star.

When he came back, I smiled.

"So, do you uh, want me to walk you home?"

"Yeah, sure." I stood up and followed him out. We began walking to my house in silence.

"Thank you for inviting me tonight. I know you only asked me because your aunt made you, but I had fun." I gave him a small smile.

"Thank you for being so nice and understanding. Usually people would just laugh or something."

"I don't know why they would. You're great."

I saw blush appear on his cheeks.

We were getting closer to my house, and he wasn't making any type of moves.

"So, how come you've never brought a girl home?"

"I've never liked anyone enough too."

I blushed. I was the first girl he thought of. How come?

I could see my house in the distance.

"Can I be honest with you peter?"

"Yeah. I hope so." He chuckled.

"I've had a crush on you since the beginning of the year. And I know your aunt forced you to ask me to dinner tonight but I had fun and I really enjoy your company."

"You like me? As in have a crush on me?"

"Well... yeah? You're intelligent and kind and cute-"

He cut me off by kissing me quickly.

We both blushed and smiled. "I- I like you too. That's why you're the first person I thought of."

"Would you like to maybe go on a date sometime? Without your aunt?"

"Yeah, I'd love to." He smiled even bigger.

He walked me to my door and we parted ways.

"How'd it go?" My mom asked.

I smiled. "I asked him out on a real date and he said yes."

"Awe, yay. My little girl is all grown up. When can I meet him?"

"Soon, I promise. You'll love him. He's a really nice guy." I smiled.

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