Spencer Reid// Million Dollars

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While Morgan drove and Emily was in the front seat, Spence and I were reviewing the case files.

"So the CEO of WorldTech, Hillary Shannon, is involved in embezzlement, money laundering, and now murder?" I read the file.

"We don't actually have any proof of any of those things yet, that's why we're going to check it out." Morgan answered.

I nodded my head and continued reading.

Once we arrived, Morgan and Emily talked to some workers, while Spencer and I talked to Hillary herself.

She looked similar to Spencer's mom: tall with short blonde hair.

"Mrs.Shannon," Spencer started. "Do you mind showing us around?"

"Sure sweetheart," she smiled "but we'll have to take two elevators."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because they're small. There just simply isn't enough room. Let's start with the first floor."

Spencer and I locked eyes and he gave me a small nod.

Spencer and Hillary took one elevator, and I got in the other, but got out before it closed all the way.

I ran down the first floor, which was only one floor down, and waited for the elevator door to open.

I noticed the numbers going up, meaning they were travelling up to a higher floor.

I waited for it to stop and it stopped on 18. I got in the other elevator and went up to 15 before the elevator suddenly stopped.

I took out my phone and called Morgan.

"Hey, Hillary and Spencer are on the 18th floor. I'll explain later but I'm stuck in the elevator and need you to go check on him as soon as you can."

"Okay, I'm on my way up there. What floor are you on?"

"15, I'm gonna try to pry the doors open. Don't worry about me."

We hung up and It took me a few minutes to pry open the doors.

I ran up 3 flights of stairs and pulled my gun out while doing a sweep of the floor.

I heard Morgan and Spence arguing.

I stayed behind the wall to eavesdrop.

"Y/n is stuck in an elevator right now and all you can think about is money?"

"It's a million dollars, Morgan. I'd take a million dollars over any of you."

He has to be lying. I know Spencer and he would never do this to his friends.

Does Morgan know it's fake? He has to.

I walked in with fake tears.

"What did she offer you a million dollars for Spence?" I asked with my gun down, but Morgan's was still up.

His face softened and then went back to normal again. "To get rid of you guys."

"Now do it. Or I'll have all of you killed."

The boys knew I had a bulletproof vest on underneath my shirt, so Spence shot me. I fell to the ground and acted like I was dead.

"Good. Now him." Spencer went to shoot Morgan, but I had shot Hillary instead.

"My leg! You bitch!" She yelled.

Spencer ran over to me while Morgan was handcuffing her. He knelt down and helped me up.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Spence. You didn't actually shoot me."


I smiled at him and Emily ran in.

"Well it looks like you guys this without me."

"Where were you? I thought you were with Morgan?" I asked.

"The personal assistant tried to attack me. They're caught up in a love affair."

Spencer and I shared a look before I started blushing and looked away.

On our way down, Morgan had Hillary, and Emily had the assistant, while Spencer and I walked behind them.

"You know I would never choose a million dollars over any of you, right?" He asked.

"I know. I knew you had to be lying. Money has never been important to you. At least in the 12 years I've known you."

"Do you think Morgan knew I was faking it?"

"Probably. Why?"

"Because he singled you out. When he said you were stuck in the elevator. Like he knew if anyone would've snapped me out of it, it would've been you."

"That's because he has eyes, Spence. It's clear that you care about me more than any of the others."

"It is?"

"Yeah. You're a germaphobe yet you always let me hug you or touch your hand when we're sitting next to each other. Have you not noticed yourself?"

"No, I haven't. What else do I do?"

"You let me rest my head on your shoulder on the plane rides back to Quantico after a long case. During briefings you sometimes look at me and bite your lip. Which I think is the cutest thing you do." I smiled.

"So you like it when I do all that stuff?" He got nervous.

"Yeah I like it a lot, Spence."

He nodded slowly. "But you're gonna have to step up your game."

"Well... how about we have dinner one night this week?"

"I would love that."

He nodded and I smiled. I felt his hand lightly and slowly intertwine with mine.

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