Noah Schnapp//Comfort

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My entire day consisted of laying in bed on my phone today. I don't know why, but it was just one of those days where you get absolutely nothing done. It wasn't really a good or bad day. It was just a day.It was really boring, actually.

I asked Noah if we could FaceTime for a little bit and he called me.

I answered after 8 seconds, yes I counted.

"Hey." He smiled into the camera.

"Hey." I smiled back and propped my phone up on my window sill above my bed. I played with my fingers nervously.

"What's up?"

"It's just been one of those days. I needed to hear your voice I guess."

He smiled and sat up so I could see him better. He was wearing his cute little glasses.

"What did you do today?" I asked him.

"Nothing much. I played some video games with Finn. I went grocery shopping with my mom. I got those one chips that you like for next time your over here-"

"You got me Miss Vickie's! Dude you're awesome!" I smiled. "I think that may have been the best part of my day."

He smiled with a small blush. "I'm glad I made your day."

We both clearly liked each other, and we both knew it. But we both agreed that we were too young and busy to be dating. Even if we agreed on that almost two years ago. It doesn't even seem like it was that long ago.

Honestly though, I think I'm ready. I don't have any big projects coming up, and I'm 16.

"N-Noah. Can I ask you a question?"

"Y-yeah." He copied my stutter, indicating he was also nervous.

"That thing we agreed on while filming for Stranger Things-" I got a text from my ex best friend. We're friends now but not like we used to be. We both changed too much.

"Um, one second. Claire texted me." I picked up my phone and went to my texts.

'Stop telling people my business'


'Don't fucking lie bitch because I have proof.'

'Seriously what the fuck are you talking about?'

'You told Jane that I've been sneaking out to go see Kyle. It's none of your fucking business.'

'I don't even talk to Jane, what the hell. I haven't told anyone anything.'

"Is everything okay?" I heard Noah ask. I forgot he was on the phone.

"Oh. Yeah, sorry. Everything's fine."

She texted me some more but I started ignoring them.

"Did you do anything interesting today?" He asked.

"No, not really." I continued to read the texts from the top of my screen.

'No wonder Noah fucking hates you. He told me you've changed and I totally see it now.'

My eyes started watering.


"What's wrong? What did she say?" He looked concerned.

"N-nothing. I'm just tired so I'm actually going to go to bed. I'll um. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I gave him a small smile.

"Goodnight y/n."

"Goodnight Noah." I set my phone down and busted into tears. I heard the hang up sound from my phone.

What the fuck is happening right now?

After a couple of minutes, I decided to change into my pajamas and watch some YouTube to help me fall asleep.

I honestly did just want to cry myself to sleep. Yes I felt bad for myself, I guess. Did Noah really tell her that I've changed? I don't think I've changed in a bad way.

I decided to text her back.

'I haven't said anything to anyone about you, Claire. I would like to see your proof.'

'I'm not a snitch like you. No wonder Noah didn't want to fucking go out with you. You're fucking pathetic and you need to get your shit together.'

I started crying again until there was a soft knock at my door.

I wiped away my tears and opened it.

"Noah, what are you doing here?"

He had a small bag of Miss Vickie's in his hand.

"I- I heard you crying on the phone and I asked my parents and your mom if I could come over."


"To comfort you... or I don't know watch a movie or something maybe?"

"Um. Come in." I invited him in and shut the door.

I picked up the various clothes I had in a small pile in my vanity chair and put them into a drawer.

"They're clean, I just never put them away..."

"It's okay."

He took off his shoes and left them by my door. We both crawled into my bed and I told him that he could pick out the movie.

He chose 27 dresses.

"You like this movie?"

"Welk honestly I've only seen like half of it, but I know that it's your favorite movie so..."

I gave him a small smile. There's no way that the sweetest guy on earth could say those things about me.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked quietly.

I sighed and handed him my phone. He unlocked it easily, mainly because I told him my password a few months ago.

He read all the texts between Claire and I.

"Y/n, I promise you I don't hate you and I never said any of those things, I would never-"

"I know Noah. You're way to sweet to talk bad about anybody. Even if they deserve it."

"You don't deserve this!"

"I know, I know. I meant in general." I nodded my head.

"I just can't believe she would do this to me. We grew up together. We were practically family."

A couple more tears formed in my eyes. I tried blinking them away but the only fell. I wiped them away and leaned in closer to Noah.

"Can we just watch the movie for now?"

"Of course."

Noah has always been there for me through pretty much everything since we met.

During the Bennie and the Jets scene, I was softly singing along.

When I was done I bit my bottom lip to scratch it.

I gently tilted my head to look at Noah, his eyes were closed, so I figured he was sound asleep.

I turned off the TV, and slowly turned into my side to face him. I was careful not to wake him up.

"Goodnight Noah." I kissed his cheek and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight y/n." He smiled.

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