Robbie Keene// Period

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I didn't get to bed until 2 in the morning because I snuck out with Robbie to go to a party.

When I woke up this morning in my room, I had blood in my underwear. Yay.

I took a shower when I woke up at 5, and changed clothes. I put a tampon in, but my cramps were really bad.

I didn't even want to train today, and I love training. feel gross and uncomfortable.

I walked down to the dojo. If I couldn't train, I'd at least watch.

I walked up to Mr. LaRusso, who was alone.

"Sensei, is it okay if I just watch from the sidelines today? I'm having really painful cramps."

"We all get cramps, y/n. Fall in line." He thinks I mean leg cramps.

"Mr. LaRusso-"

"I said fall in line."

Damn, what crawled up his ass and died.

I walked over and stood in between Robbie and Samantha.

"Today, we will be sparring with our partners. I will let you choose, however, one of you will be blindfolded. So choose wisely."

I sighed.

I felt a sharp cramp, and held my hand against my stomach.

"Hey, you okay?" Dimitri asked me.

"Yeah. I'm fine. You wanna be partners?" I asked.

"I'm already partnered up with Sam. Sorry."

"That's okay. I'll just partner with Robbie." I smiled at him.

Robbie walked over to me, as if on queue.

"Wanna be partners?" He asked with a very cute smile.

"Yeah." I smiled back.

I got another sharp cramp, and hid it as best as I could.

So of course I'm the blindfolded one. Figures.

I took a deep breath and focused on my surroundings.

He struck first, but I blocked it.

We fought back and forth for a moment, before I got another really bad cramp, and he kicked me right in the uterus.

I fell down and held my stomach. I really felt like crying. I took off the blindfold and Robbie knelt over me.

"You okay?"

"Give me a minute."

We sat there for a minute and my cramps got worse.

Before I knew it, I started crying.

"Did I hurt you? Are you okay?"

"I need a break." He helped me up and Sensei walked over.

"Are you alright, y/n?" He asked me.

"I'm fine. He just kicked me in the uterus and my cramps are really bad."

"Oh. You're having those kind of cramps."

I nodded. "I tried telling you but you told me to fall in line so I figured I'd try to power through it as best as I could."

"No, I'm sorry. I should've let you clarify. Why don't you go inside and rest. Robbie will come get you when training is over"

"Thanks Mr. LaRusso." I nodded and stood up.

Robbie walked with me.

"Hey, I'm really sorry. I didn't know that it was that time of the month." He sounded nervous and awkward.

"It's okay Robbie, really. I know you'd never intentionally hurt me." I smiled.

I got another cramp, and I bent over in pain. Robbie opened the door for me and I walked in.

"You can sleep on my bed if you want."

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek and laid in his bed. He shut the door and I was now alone.

I fell asleep pretty quickly if I'm being honest.

I woke up to see some flowers in a vase, and some vanilla yogurt.

There was also a note.

I know you hate chocolate so I got you vanilla yogurt. I remember you saying it was your favorite one time when you were talking to Sam. Come outside ♥️- Robbie

I smiled and grabbed the yogurt and spoon.

I stepped outside, only to see a cute, romantic date set up.

There was a projector set up and a couple blankets and pillows.

I saw Robbie bent over, putting in a DVD.

"What is all this?" I asked in amazement.

He whipped around and smiled when he saw me.

"I just thought that I'd have to have a reallllllly good apology for kicking you."

I smiled. "So far you're on the right track." I smiled.

"Cool. Sit down."

"What movie are we watching?" I asked as he sat next to me and we cuddled up together.

"Your favorite." He smiled.

I got excited. "You're going to watch y/f/m with me? I've been trying for MONTHS and all it took was a few cramps and a kick to the baby maker?" I asked in awe.

He laughed. "I guess so."

The movie started playing and halfway through, I fell asleep again. This time, laying on Robbie.
He woke me up around 11 AM. This day is only halfway through. Ugh.

I rubbed my eyes, and smiled when I saw his face.

"Sorry for falling asleep."

"It's okay, babe." He pushed my hair behind my ear.

His hand held my face as he leaned in close and kissed me.

When he pulled away, I had a prominent smile on my lips.

"Would you, y/n l/n, like to be my girlfriend?"

I nodded with a smile. "Of course."

"Good, cause I plan on spoiling you ALL the time."

"You don't have to do that, Robbie. I just want moments like these."

"Me too, Babygirl"

My heart fluttered in my chest.

Robbie Keene just called me babygirl. AH!!!

Our moment was of course ruined by Mr. LaRusso.

"Okay kids. Movies over. Time to head out."

"H-has he been there the whole time?"

"I hope not."

We cleaned up the dojo and I went home.

It's only noon and today is going pretty good.

"I got a boyfriend, I got a boyfriend!" I sang and danced around my room.

Then I got a sudden cramp and almost died. But I would've died happy, so it wasn't all bad.

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