Jaden Hossler//Diss Track

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Being a a social media influencer did have its perks, but of course there was drama and hate too.

The biggest form of drama being the hype house. most of us loved each other, but there was hate too.

Chase Hudson.

I was filming TikToks by the pool with Jaden and Bryce when Charli came out.

"Guys, I think chase is here."

I immediately turned off my happy face and left my phone on its tripod before going to the front door.

"Babe, let me handle it." Jaden softly grabbed my arm.

With one look, he let go of my arm and let me continue on my war path.

I swung the door open and met with chase.

"What the fuck are you doing here right now."

"I need to talk to Charli-"

"Go talk to Nessa instead since you clearly can't stay away from her. Or is that where you just came from?"

"Y/n, you know Charli and I weren't dating."

"Does it look like a give a fuck!? What you did was so shitty and you deserve to lose your fame. Charli is 16! You threw her away as soon as you got the chance to kiss Nessa."

"You're acting like I cheated!"

"You didn't. But you didn't fucking tell Charli, and you came over here and acted like nothing happened. So get the hell out, chase. Before I call security."

"I live here too! You can't just kick me out!" He yelled back.

I got in his face.

"Why don't you fucking watch me."

He extended his hands and pushed me back into the door.

I lunged forward and punched his jaw, before hearing the door swing open.

Both Bryce and Jaden ran out and held me back off of chase.

"I'm fine!" The boys let go of me. "Get the fuck off the property"

Chase shook his head no.

"You can't legally make me." He smirked.

"Do you really want to try me right now?"

He didn't say anything, he just angrily walked away.

I sighed and Bryce went inside.

"Baby my shoulder hurts." I turned to Jaden and hugged him.

"Come on, I'll look at it."

We got my phone and went up to his room.

I took my shirt off and I heard him hiss.

"It's already starting to bruise. Scale of 1-10?"

"7 1/2." I tried moving it but just felt sore.

"It's not broken or dislocated. Just bruised. That was so hot." He smiled and kissed my shoulder while his arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

"If he thinks he can get away with hurting Charli he is sorely mistaken."

"I especially liked the part where you didn't hesitate to punch him back."

"My dad taught me not to think about the pain and just punch right through." I punched the air, but regretting it when my shoulder got sore again.

I saw his face light up. "Hey babyyyyyy..."

"Yes?" I smiled.

"Can I write another diss track about him and include what just happened?"

I smiled, but my lip, and nodded.

"Yeah. But can it be later? I just wanna lay here with you and calm down a bit."

He nodded and laid down in bed with me.

Authors Note: don't ever mess with queen Charli or you will catch these hands, feet, and possibly a brick :)

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