Riven(Winx Netflix)// Control

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I saw Sky and Riven dueling down by the river, so I walked down to meet them. Once I arrived, Stella was already talking to them.

"Please sky. You know I need you." She gave him the puppy dog eyes.

I turned to riven to mock Stella.

"Please rivy, I need you, I need you!" I said dramatically falling into his arms and laughing.

"Shut it y/n! You have no idea-"

"I don't care enough to find out." I grabbed riv's hand and turned us to walk towards the school.

"Where we going babe?" He asked with a smirk.

"You know exactly where we're going." I looked him up and down and took him to the old west wing.

He put his hands on the back of my thighs and held me up with my back against the wall.

Our lips moved harshly against each other as his hips pushed up against mine.

His mouth moved from mine, to my neck, lightly sucking. A moan slipped through my lips, making him stop and look at me lustfully.

"Fuck you're so hot."

"What the fuck is this!?" Sky stood in the doorway.

"S-sky it's okay,"

"Bullshit! My sister!?" He ran towards riven to fight him.

"Sky stop!"

"It's okay babe, I got this." Riven dodged sky's hit.

The fought for a moment before each grabbing a weapon.

"Guys stop it before one of you gets hurt!" I yelled. I saw bloom running up to us.

"What's happening!?" She asked.

"Skys my brother and riven is his best friend and my boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend?" Riv questioned

"Boyfriend!?" Sky got more upset.

I ran over to them and felt a very sharp pain in my arm.

"Hey, hey, look at me. Don't look at it." Riven jumped in front of me and held my chin so I was looking at him.

"Did he just stab me? Am I gonna die?"

"No, no you're gonna be okay we just have to get you to Terra's dad." He took me and led me to the greenhouse, Sky right behind.

"Hey! Hey! She's my sister I should be taking her."

"You need to stay away from me." I cried to my brother.

Once we arrived to the greenhouse, I saw Sam, Terra, and Musa.

"She needs help. Sky sliced her arm open."

"Her brother? What the hell happened?" Terra asked.

"W-well y/n and I have been uh... well we've been together."

Their eyes widened. "I mean it makes sense aesthetically. You're both hot badasses." Musa explained and then held Sam's hand after realizing he might get jealous.

"Thanks. Sky doesn't think the same."

"To be fair riven does have a reputation." Terra said with no filter.

"When I'm single I get around, but I would never cheat."

She applied a paste to my arm and then stitched it and put a big bandage on it.

"Thank you. I'll see you guys later and fill you in on everything."

Riv and I left and walked to my room, which I was glad I had my own room.

We turned the light off and laid in my bed together. I cuddled into his side while his arm was around me.

"I'll talk to Sky tomorrow in a civilized manner. I promise love."

I started crying and could respond without it showing in my voice. I sniffled and a tear dropped into his chest.

He reached over and turned the lamp on.

"Baby, you can talk to me." He rubbed my non hurt arm.

"I don't understand why when I tell him I don't like him dating Stella, he says it's his life not mine. But he can't respect the same for me? How is that fair?" 

"It's not. Him and Stella are toxic. We're actually in love and if he can't accept that then-"

"Stop." I sat up. "You just said you loved me."

"I did." He nodded and studied my reaction.

I smiled and kissed him. "I love you." I whispered.
The next day, I saw Sky and Riven talking in the courtyard.

They hugged and starting walking into the school together so I met them at the front door.

"So, how is everyone?" I asked.

"Just don't make out in front of me." Sky muttered.

I smiled. "As long as you don't walk in on us. So I suggest knocking before entering your room or my room."

"I have to knock before entering my own room. Are you kidding me?"

"Unless you want to see my tongue down his throat, nope." I smiled and held riv's hand.

"Just try to control yourselves please and thank you." He walked away.

I smiled. "I don't know about you, but control hasn't really been something I'm good at."

"Control? What's that?"

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