Beck Oliver// Improv

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"It's been months, y/n! You're just making excuses now." Tori told me as we walked down the hallway to Sikowitz's class.

"They dated for years, Tori. He's not going to get over her within a couple months. Plus, who even says he would want to go out with me? I'm nothing like Jade."

"Exactly. He broke up with Jade because he was tired of her always controlling him. You aren't like her."

I sighed as we reached the door.

"Beck will never like me so there is no point. Just drop it Tori, before you make it worse. Please." I opened the door and sat in my usually seat next to André.

"Hey Dré."

"Hey y/n."

Sikowitz came through the window with a coconut in his hand.

"We're doing improv today. Tori, go up and choose your team."

Tori stood up and got on the mini stage and began calling out names. "Robbie, André, Y/n, Cat, and Beck."

Jade got visibly angry.

I stood up and went up front with the others. Beck stood next to me.

"Someone give me a situation" sikowitz stated.

"Wedding." A random person called out.

"Okay. Wedding. Go!"

André pushes beck forward, and Tori pushes me forward. Great. Somehow I think this was planned.

André was the priest, Tori and cat were my bridesmaids and Robbie was the best man.

We acted out our scene and got to the I Do's.

"Do you, Beck middle name unknown Oliver, take Y/n M/n l/n to be your wife."

He looked deep into my eyes. "I do."

I glanced over at Jade, who was practically red with anger.

"And do you, y/n m/n l/n, take Beck unknown Oliver to be your husband."

I do. I do I really do.

"I-I can't." I ran down the 'aisle' and out the door.

"Ooh! That's tough man! Getting left at the alter is no fun" Robbie stated with a pat on Beck's back.

He turned to Tori. "You said she liked me?"

"She does! She probably just got nervous. I'll go get her." Tori ran after you, Beck close behind.

"Y/n, what happened, why'd you leave?" Tori asked as we stood by my locker. Unknowing that Beck was around the corner.

"I couldn't do it, Tori. Beck is the most amazing, perfect guy I know. If I would've said I Do, we would've had to kiss. It would've been fake to him but it would've been real to me. I want him to kiss me. I want to marry him some day despite the way he treated me when him and jade were together. I know she was manipulating him into saying those things but that's not really him. He's sweet, and kind and always texts me good morning and goodnight." I smiled at the thought of being with Beck, but it was shortly torn away from me.

"But Jade would never allow me to go near him. She was giving me death glares during our scene and that was fake! Imagine if it was real, Tori! She'd stab me with a pair of scissors and dump me in a freaking well or something!" I rested my head in my hands, feeling a headache coming on.

"Screw What Jade thinks! Let yourself be happy."

"Like I said before. What even makes you think Beck likes me?"

"I said 'I Do' didn't I?" I turned to see Beck leaning against a locker.

Tori left us alone and I stood up.

"That's just a scene. It wasn't real."

"Maybe not the circumstances, but the feelings definitely were."

"You Just broke up with jade. I don't want to be your rebound girl, Beck. I'm not going to give you everything you want just for you to go back to Jade."

"Jade broke up with me because she found out that I liked you."

"Jade broke up with you?"

"Yeah." I stormed back into Sikowitz's room and pointed at Jade.

"You have no right to be angry with me for liking Beck because you're the one who broke up with him! You're the one who ended the relationship. You clearly didn't want to fight for him which was such a mistake because Beck Oliver is the sweetest person I know and would do anything for his friends, so don't get all pissy at me for being in a scene where we kiss okay!?"

"Fine." Was all she could say.

Beck walked up to me and grabbed my hand, leading me to the mini stage up front. He held both my hands in his.

André caught on and rushed up there, finishing where he left off. "Do you, y/n, take Beck to be your boyfriend?"

"I do." I smiled.

"You May now kiss the girlfriend." André smiled as well.

Beck leaned in and kissed me; the room erupted in cheers and claps from everyone except Jade. But she didn't stab me so that's a plus.

"Where are you guys gonna honeymoon?"

"Beck's trailer." I looked up at him with a slight grin.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to our next class.

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