Spencer Reid//Poker

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"We have a case in Nashville, Tennessee. Two families murdered in two weeks. The kids were given quick deaths, while the parents were seemingly tortured."

"This UnSub likely has parental issues, probably stemming from early childhood." Emily added.

"How were they killed?" JJ asked.

"The kids were shot execution style, while the moms was drowned, the fathers were both stabbed exactly 23 times." Hotch read the file.

I couldn't pull my eyes away from the kids pictures. They were horrific. I've seen stuff like this before, but this is getting to me.

"Wheels up in 20." Hotch added and we all went to our desks to get stuff.

"Hey Derek,"

"What's up babygirl."

"Aw, I'm telling Penelope." We laughed. "No, uh, do you think we'll catch this guy?"

"It's too early to tell. But I really hope so."

I nodded and walked over to get a coffee in a to go cup. Spence walked up next to me and grabbed a cup too.

"Hey Reid." I smiled.

"Hi." He took his cup of coffee and walked away, causing me to sigh.

That was absolutely pathetic.

As I stared at him walking away, I accidentally poured hot coffee on my hand.

"Shit!" I grabbed a paper towel and after a few seconds, I felt a hand grab mine. I saw Spencer turn on the hot water, and held my hand underneath it.

I was too focused on him to even feel the burn on my hand.

He put some cream on it and wrapped it with pure concentration in his eyes.

"Better?" He asked.

"Yeah. Thank you." I smiled at him and this time he copied.

We got on the plane and all settled in our seats. It's only about a two and a half hour flight. I decided to play a round of solitaire.

"How about instead of staring at her, you go play cards with her. Actually talk to her." I heard Derek whisper to Reid.

JJ and Emily both looked at me and I acted like I was into my game and couldn't hear them.

"Solitaire is a one person game." Reid replied adorably.

"So go ask her to play something else."

"I can't-"

I leaned around my chair to face them and Reid stopped talking and started reading his book.

"Hey Reid, wanna play poker? You're the only one here who can actually challenge me." I smiled.

"Um, sure." He gave a tight lipped smile and sat in front of me. Derek went and sat next to Emily, who was on the other side of the plane next to me.

I shuffled and dealt.

"I'll take 2 cards please."

I gave him the two cards and drew myself one card.

"You wanna make a bet?" I teased.

"What, like money?"

"How about something better?" I glanced at my hand.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked innocently.

"If I win, you have to come over and help me host the next get together we have. If you win..."

"If I win, you have to go on a date with me." He kept his poker face.

"Full House. Ace's and Eight's." He smiled.

I frowned for a moment before putting down my cards. "Royal Flush." I smiled.

He sighed in defeat. "When's the next get together?" He asked.

"July 4th I think." I kept smiling. "Oh, and I'll still go on a date with you." I blushed and he smiled.

"Cool." Him and Derek went back to their seats.

"I can't believe she wants to go on a date with me. Where should I take her? The library? Or maybe the Museum of Art?"

"No, no, take her out to eat. Women love to be treated fancy."

Did they not understand the first time that I can hear them?

I looked at him and smiled. "Don't listen to him. The Library sounds amazing, Reid."

After solving our case and returning home, Reid took me out to the library on our day off.

"This is amazing. Thank you for bringing me here." I grabbed another book, this one was on the human brain and psychology.

"I'm still in shock that you wanted to come here with me. I lost the bet."

I shrugged. "I really like you, Reid. You've always been nice to me. Well, when I can get you to actually talk to me." I nudged his arm with my elbow.

He just looked at me and smiled before turning back to his book.

"Honestly I didn't think you liked me much." I glued my eyes to my book, not reading it; but not wanting to look at him and see his reaction.


"Any time I would try to talk to you, you just said 'hi' and walked away or avoided me completely."

"I- I was just nervous. Can I ask you a question. It's always kind of bothered me."

"Sure. What is it?" I finally looked up at him and couldn't help but smile.

"Why do you call everyone else by their first name, but you call me by my last?"

"Well, JJ calls you Spence, so I couldn't use that. But I wanted some kind of special nickname for you. I know it isn't THAT special since it's what almost everyone else calls you too, but I don't know, I just like calling you Reid." I rambled.

"I always thought it was because you were friends with the others, but only thought of me as Coworker."

I chuckled. "You're definitely more than a coworker. Maybe more than a friend?"

He smiled. "Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?"

"Depends on what your answer is."

"Well if you are asking, I'd say yes. If you aren't asking, then I'd say 'will you be my girlfriend"

"No fair! I'm asking you, not the other way around." I joked with a laugh.

"Then yes. I'd very much like to be your boyfriend." He smiled.

After reading countless books at the library, and checking a couple out for ourselves, he drove me home.

"Do you wanna come in? I could make dinner." I invited him in.

"I don't know, I should probably get home."

I leaned my head against my front doorway. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow?" I gave him a light smile.

He paused for a moment. "On second that. I am pretty hungry."

I smiled. "Then come on in." He stepped into my house, and I shut the door behind him.

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