Stefan Salvatore//waterfall

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'Meet me at the cabin, I have a surprise for you' I read a text from Stefan.

'Okay. Be there in 10' I smiled and vamp ran to the cabin.

I showed up and walked in, as it was unowned and we had been here many times before.

"Stef?" I looked around and didn't see him.

I heard a stick break in the woods, so I walked back there.

"Stefan, were gonna have to make this quick, I have class in an hour." I smiled.

I saw Stefan, talking with Elena.

"Oh, hey... Elena?i did t realize you were gonna be here."

"It's Katherine, y/n." Stefan said annoyed.

"Oh. What do you want"

"I think we all know what I want." She eyes Stefan.

"Fuck off Katherine, Give me one good reason I shouldn't drive a stake through your heart right now" I threatened.

"I buried a few of your friends in these woods. I wonder how long it'll take for you to find them, without my help of course."

I punched her in the face and tackled her to the ground.

"Who. Did you bury?"

"Hmm. I don't remember."


I looked at him and she flipped me over, stabbing me in the leg with a stick.

I pulled it out and stood up.

Stefan came over to me.

"Stefan you can't."

"I have to y/n."

"No you don't. Please."

I put my hand on his arm.

Stefan and I have had an unspoken fling.

I have actual feelings for him but I think it's just sex to him.

I hugged him.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into my ear.

I felt him slip something into the waistband of my very cute and Lacey underwear.

"You have Stefan. Now where are they."

"Spread out. But all within five miles."

"Who and how many?"

"4. Damon, Caroline, Jeremy and Bonnie."

Bonnie is a witch, if she dies, she's dead for good.

Katherine ran off with Stefan and I looked in my waist and and pulled out a piece of paper.

I put it in my bra and decided to wait.

I ran around looking for my friends.

I found Bonnie first, thankfully, then Care, Jeremy and now we're looking for Damon.

"Where's Stefan?" Caroline asked.

"With Katherine. It was the only way she was gonna tell us where you were." I sighed.

"I'm sorry y/n. I should've known it was her and not Elena."

"It's okay. We all made the same mistake." I spoke.

"Well did he give you any clues as to where she would take him?" Bonnie asked.

"He left me this note but I haven't read it yet. I figured getting you guys out was too priority"

I saw a fresh pile of dirt.

"Guys!" We started digging and opened the coffin, to find Damon.

"God Am I glad to see you." He gave his signature smirk.

"No time. We have to get Stefan back."

"From where?"


I pulled the note out and read it to myself.

'Waterfall, Safe, Silas.'

"I think he's at the waterfall where Silas kept him last summer? Why would she take him there?"

"I don't know, but we have to go."

"Okay, Uh, Bonnie and Jeremy, you guys go to the college and see if Elena is okay.  Caroline, you Damon and I will go get Stefan back."

The three of us ran to the quarry and saw Stefan and Katherine making out.

My heart broke into pieces.

"S-Stefan?" I stuttered.

"Oh, y/n, so nice to see you again. I figured Stefan would've told you where we'd be at."

"I..." she didn't know Damon and Caroline were there.

"Sorry you had to find out this way. But Stefan loves me. Not you."

A tear left my eyeball.

"You're lying. Stefan Hates you."

"Really, then why was His tongue down my throat?" She asked rhetorically.

I saw Damon sneaking up on her.

"As a distraction." As she turned around, Damon stabbed her in the chest,  it not the heart."

She quickly ran away, Damon and Caroline following her.

I wiped my tears.

"I'm so glad you know me better than anyone else." He hugged me. "Great acting by the way."

"I wasn't entirely acting. Seeing you with Katherine kind of broke my heart..."

He licked his lip.

"Stefan, you should probably know that this wasn't just a fling for me. I actually felt things towards you. I still do..."

He stared at me silently.

"Please say something. Anything..." I looked down at the ground.

"I love you."

I looked up at him with a smile.

"You do? I mean, of course you do."

We kissed. "I love you too, Stefan Salvatore"

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