Damon Salvatore//Torture

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Being the only female human of the group was getting tiring. I was always used as bait, I was always the one being held captive, and I was always the one being tortured for information.

Right now I'm tied to a chair in the nasty ass apartment complex, that I am pretty sure hasn't been used in decades.

I'm facing the window balcony, and I see Damon in the same position I am across the street in another empty apartment building, except he's being forced to drink vervain and they took his daylight ring.

It broke my heart seeing him like this and not being able to do anything about it.

I heard the door open and Klaus appeared in front of me.

"Hello, Love. Are you ready to tell me what I want to know?"

My eyes were teary, and I looked him dead in the eye. "Let him go, please."

"You're being tortured and can't even heal yourself, and you want me to let him go?"


Klaus got close to my face. "I don't negotiate."

I closed my eyes and sighed.

After a few minutes of silence, he untied me and took me out to the balcony. The sunlight burned my skin a little, i haven't been in it for a couple days at least. I'm honestly not too sure.

"Tell me where it is or I'll feed you my blood and push you off the edge."

"Do you really think they would tell me? I'm only human, I'm compellable. Well, without the vervain."

"If that was true, why didn't you say that in the first place?"

I looked over at Damon.

"You'd do anything for Caroline, wouldn't you? Damon is my Caroline."

He stared at me, clearly contemplating something.

He let me go and pushed me towards the door. "You can both go."

I tried running but I had to hold onto the wall and railings. I stepped outside first and got blinded by the sun again. Damon came out of the other building looking pissed.

"Damon! Are you okay?" I asked, running up to him. He just blew past me and got into the car. I followed him in and we drove to his house.

I noticed all the bruises on my body, along with all the cuts. Damon gave me some of his blood to heal me.

"Damon can you please say something?" I pleaded.

"What do you want me to say, y/n!?"

"I-I don't know, I was just worried about you. I thought he was going to kill you and-"

"I thought he was gonna kill you too, but he didn't." He spat.

"Why are you being such an asshole? The only reason we aren't still in there is because of me!"

"You told him!?"

"Of course I didn't, Damon!"

"Then what the hell did you tel him!?"

"I told him..."

"Well, Spit it out." He poured him some bourbon.

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "I told him that he would do anything for Caroline, and that you are my Caroline."

"What does that even mean?" He drank another glass.

"God Damon! It means I'd do anything for you, including getting tortured because an original vampire wants all of us dead!"

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