Peter Parker//Breakup

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When peter asked me out for the first time, I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. It was one of the best moments of my life.

"Y/n, hey. Um. It's okay if you say no, I'd totally understand, but would you maybe want to go on a date with me sometime?" He was so nervous and cute.

"I'd love to, Peter." I smiled and hugged my books closer to my chest.

A slight blush and a smile appeared on his face.

"Really? Okay. Where do you want to go?"

"We could go to the movies? I'll pay for tickets if you pay for the popcorn and drinks." I pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Okay. How about tomorrow? You can choose the movie and the time."

"Tomorrow works for me." I smiled. "But if you have a few minutes now, we could both agree on a movie and time."

"O-okay." He was still nervous.

I pulled out my phone, gave him my number, and looked up movies playing near us.

"How about we see the new Star Wars movie?" I suggested.

His eyes got brighter. "I love Star Wars." He smiled.

"Cool. What time works for you?"


I nodded. "I'll see you there, Peter." I smiled and walked away.

A couple months later and peter has been acting strange. He always cancels our dates, or always runs off to Mr. Stark for his internship. I barely get to spend any time with him anymore.

Sometimes he even skips school. I miss seeing him everyday.

Right now, I'm waiting on him to come over so we can watch a couple movies, but he isn't answering my texts.

So I decided to call him.

"Y/n, hey babe, I can't really talk right now. I'm doing important stuff for Mr. Stark. Is there something you need?"

Tears formed in my eyes. "So I'm guessing you're not coming over for date night?" My voice shook slightly.

He paused for a moment. He forgot.

"No, no I'll be there soon. I just have to finish up some paperwork, and I'll be there. I promise."

"Okay. Bye, I'll see you soon."

"Bye." He hung up quickly.

I wiped away my tears, and made some popcorn.

I put the movie in and waited for him to come.

I checked my phone after twenty minutes. Nothing. I sighed and set my phone down.

I decided to call Ned.

"Y/n, haha. Hey, what's up?"

"Peter ditched me again. Do you think he's done with me?" I started bawling my eyes out. I didn't want peter to be done with me.

"What? No! Of course he isn't!"

"I just, don't tell him I said this, but I think I love him." I sniffles and wiped my tears.

Ned was silent for a few moments.

"He'll come. Just be patient."

"Okay. Thanks Ned."

"Bye." He hung up the phone.

I set the popcorn on my window sill, and laid in bed waiting.

I woke up to the popcorn being knocked over, and peter coming through my window.


"Y/n, I am so sorry. I just got caught up with Mr. Stark."

I sighed. "I forgive you. I know how important this is for you. I just wish you'd text me back. That's all."

"There's something I need to say..."

I stood up and hugged him.

"I don't think this is going to work out." He blurted.

I pulled back.

"W-what? Why?"


"Is it because of the internship?" I crossed my arms and looked to the side at the floor as tears once again filled my eyes.

"Yes and no."

"I don't understand. I thought... I thought that despite not spending a lot of time together, it was going well." I sat on my bed, and he sat
Next to me.

"They are."

"Then I don't get why you're breaking up with me." I wiped my eyes and he put his arm around me, pulling me into him.

"I can't have anything happen to you because of me, and the internship."

"What would happen, Peter? You're an intern. It's not like some other worldly threat is going to target you."

He took a deep breath. "Fine. But you have to promise not to freak out."

"What? Why would I freak out?"

He pushed a button and was suddenly in a Spider-Man suit.

My eyes widened and I stood up.

"Y-you're Spider-Man?"

"Yes. That's why I'm always gone, or canceling our dates."

"I'm so sorry Peter. If I would've known I wouldn't have been so upset about you always standing me up, and I wouldn't of called Ned and told him-" I stopped myself.

"What'd you tell Ned?"

I looked in his eyes. "I love you Peter..."

He seemed frozen for a second.


He held my face and kissed me.

"I love you too, y/n." We smiled.

"You don't have to worry about me, Peter. Because I know that something ever does happen to me, you'll be there to save me."


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