Colin Bridgerton//Lilacs(3)

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"Colin! What on earth are you doing!?" His brother Anthony grabbed him by the shoulders and shouted at him.

"I-I she said it was okay. She's a princess she can do what she wants." Colin looked terrified.

"You would be making a huge mistake and throwing your entire life away!"

"Don't speak about her as if she's not right there."

"I'll speak about her how she should be spoken about. She's obviously trying to trap you. Or ruin things with Daphne and her brother." Anthony speculated.

"Colin, you know I'm not."

"Why else would she be moving so quickly?"

"I know you want to believe him because he's your brother and family comes first. But he hasn't been here. He hasn't seen you the way I have. He hasn't had the conversations we've had..."

"Look at how hard she's trying to convince you right now." My eyes watered up. I clearly wasn't going to win this fight.

Instead of wasting my breath, I turned and picked up my dress, running away trying to find my way out of the maze. I kept coming to dead end after dead end and it was making me more disoriented.

I finally just stopped and sat on the ground waiting for the moment to pass.

"Hey, hey, princess y/n, are you okay? Why are you out here alone?" Eloise asked me while holding my arm trying to get me to calm down.

"I was out here with him and we came so close to kissing and I was sure it was okay because I'm a princess and i bought him a new watch and I love him and... I..."

"Who are we talking about here?" She asked.

"N-no one. It doesn't matter. I'm sure after tonight it's over." I stood up and she walked me out the right way, where we were immediately met by Anthony and Colin arguing at the entrance.

"There. She's out now. Let's go. Wait El why are you with y/n?" Anthony questioned.

It clicked in Eloise's mind that I was talking about Colin.

"Oh my god!"

"El, you can not say anything. It would ruin our family if everyone knew what our brother almost did."

I had finally looked at Colin and he looked both angry and sad.

"Colin, I-"

"Stop. I don't want to speak to you again."

My heart broke even more. He turned away, knowing I was in pain, and still walked away.

"I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid." I ran away from Eloise and to my carriage, taking me home to Aunt Charlotte's.

I went straight to my room. Auntie and Freddy were still at the ball. I took off my dress and undergarments to get in the bath. Then put on my nightgown and got in bed.

Tomorrow will be better.

After a month of saying "tomorrow will be better" without it actually being better it gets tiring

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After a month of saying "tomorrow will be better" without it actually being better it gets tiring.

This ball was to celebrate the engagement of Daphne and Simon. I got invited by Daphne herself.

"Princess, how lovely to finally see you again. My brother has not stopped talking about you."

"He hasn't? How is he doing?"

"I'm doing well." Colin answered from behind me.

"C-Colin. I'm sorry. If you'll excuse me." I gave Daphne a small smile and a nod before walking outside.

"Y/n, wait just a moment." Colin ran up to me outside.

"What do you want?"

"Eloise told me what you said about me that night."

"It doesn't matter. Your brother is right. You would be making a huge mistake being with me."

"Do you actually believe that? Because being with you sounds like the life I want to live. Traveling together from country to country and city to city. Being able to go almost anywhere we want. falling in love and getting married, having children."

"And what if one of us is already in love." I crossed my arms.

"What if we both are, my princess."

I smiled before hearing a door open and seeing none other than, you guessed it, Anthony Bridgerton.

"Colin! What did I tell you!?"

"Anthony quiet! The princess and I are getting married at the end of the season before I... we leave for Greece." He held my hand.

"I won't allow it."

"Good thing you don't have any authority over this. And even if you did. I'm sure my aunt would be more than happy to overturn your decision" I smiled.

"I'm disappointed in you."

"I could say the same." Colin spoke back.

Colin and I walked away and started going back inside. "Don't tell anybody until after the party. This is for Daphne. I don't want to ruin her moment." I whispered to him. He agreed.

"I hope end of season gets here soon."

"Me too."

"You may now kiss the bride

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"You may now kiss the bride." As soon as we heard those words, we shot towards each other, finally being able to kiss 

After our engagement party, we got onto a boat and sailed across the sea over to Germany and rode the train through Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, then sailed to Greece. It was a long passage but once we got there we officially started our honeymoon. It was perfect. When we arrived at the Inn, there were purple and white lilacs scattered around on the bed.

"Purple, because our new love has turned into so much more. And White because any innocence you have left is disappearing tonight."

"Come here, Bridgerton." I smiled.

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